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HSVPOA Let’s Talk 5/25/19

The HSVPOA held a “Let’s Talk” with the Directors on Saturday, May 25, 2019. The Directors conducting the meeting were Chairperson, Cindi Erickson, Diana Podawiltz and Buddy Dixon. Also, in attendance was Vice Chairperson, Tormey Campagna who was seated in the audience and attended as a fellow property owner, and not to sit on the official panel.

A recording of this meeting was made by Videographer, Larry Wilson and should be coming out next week sometime.

The meeting was very educational and informative.

Below is a transcript of what I attempted to say, but was not allowed to finish. It was deemed a monologue, which I will admit it was. (The PDF’s inserted below are references, for the reader’s convenience, but were not part of my “monologue”.) The point is, these issues need to be addressed and addressed publicly. If I can’t speak at the Let’s Talk, which is supposed to be an open dialogue, where can I speak? If I had been allowed to finish, I would have felt much more confident about the Board Chairperson’s desire to listen to the Property Owners.

Other monologues were allowed, including one Villager that trashed the campaign of the candidates we supported in the last BOD election. (This Villager had many valid points, but on this one subject, we did not agree as she misstated several things about the campaigns.)

What I had to say at Let’s Talk

Cheryl: “First, I would like to say that the Board Meeting on May 23rd was productive.  There was much exchange of information and ideas by the Board members.  Hopefully, as promised, the Property Owners will be allowed to speak at future meetings.”

“Respect is very important.  We noticed the CEO is still interjecting into the meeting when she is not being asked a question. We ask that the Board discontinue allowing this to occur.”

Why was staff absent at the last POA meeting?

“We also noticed that the presence of the normal group of POA employees was missing.  Since non-employee Property Owners received sanction letters, we are wondering if the employees and employee spouse who purposely strode over to our side of the room also received sanctions?  Is that why they were not at the special BOD meeting?”

“I said that the meeting was productive, but parts of the meeting were concerning.”

Prayer at 5/23/19 Board Meeting

“We are always supportive of prayer, except when the prayer is used as a manipulative and condescending tool.  This prayer was used to shame folks that have different opinions.  This is unacceptable and very offensive.”

Buddy Dixon Prayer 5/23/19 Board Meeting

“We also found the reference to “Protective Covenants for Dummies” to be offensive.  This is not the first time we have heard folks speak of Property Owners in a disdainful manner.  (We do understand this was meant in reference to the many “Dummy” book series, and while this term was not really said to offend, we feel the Board should be more sensitive when they speak. We have heard many things about Property Owners being uneducated, etc., so care should be taken to not use the word ‘Dummy’ when referring to us.)”

“The chairperson’s monologue at the beginning was also unacceptable.  The Board cannot control Property Owners and social media.  The Board does not have the right to chastise Property Owners for speaking up about what we consider to be the problems we see being created.  This was an attempt to stifle and control us.  Very wrong of the Board Chairperson to do this!”

Cindi Erickson Monologue 5/23/19 Board Meeting

Concern over Village Homes and Land and Builders’ Guild

“We have talked to a number of realtors.  Many realtors feel they are being pushed out by Village Homes and Land.  Village Homes and Land is a Property Owner subsidized operation and needs to close.  I contacted Tellico Villages through their POA website.  Guess who responded back to me?  It was an independent realtor, as it should be.  Tellico POA website lists a number of independent real estate companies on their website, as well as a long list of independent builders.  There is no “Builders Guild” or Tellico Homes and Land” listed.  These HSVPOA departments appear to be an attempt at a major power grab by the POA management.”


“Another major potential problem is the development of a lodge.  Has a Return on Investment been done?  We notice the beautiful lodging across from the Village (Village Inn) is not operating at full capacity.  The hotel business is not an easy one.” 

Village Inn outside of the gates

“Sure, you say you will find someone to build, maintain and run this facility.  When it fails, and it most likely will, then who will take over?  We know the answer to that question and it is the POA.  We cannot have another large failed building like that sitting vacant and deteriorating. Soon our assessments will be subsidizing one more item.  I suppose we could eventually put this under the category of “Managed Subsidization”, a term that is being stressed by the Chairperson.”

Trust and respect

“Lastly, trust and respect are very important, but we see this lacking in certain individuals.  So no, we cannot sit back and we feel no shame or remorse in expressing our opinion.”

Short clip of Let’s Talk 5/25/19

Written by Cheryl Dowden

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