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HSVPOA Parks and Rec Committee Meets 4-11-22

HSVPOA Parks and Recreation (P & R) met on April 11, 2022. Committee Members Attending: Debra Fuller, Chair; Jimmy Betts, Serena Gonzales, Calvin Doody, Mark Quinton, Evan Hanson, Staff Members attending: Kelly Hale, General Manager; Terry Wiley, Parks and Recreation Manager; Tamara Orosco, Assistant to Parks and Recreation Manager. Board Liaison: Board Director Pam Avila.

New P & R Members Coming Soon

Fuller announced that Jim Betts’ and Tammy McCullough’s time on the committee is winding down. She thanked them for their service. There was a closed meeting held after the regular public meeting where the P & R Committee discussed who would be filling the vacancies.

Board Liaison Comments

Avila said that the new Board Members will be seated on April 20. There is a Board Orientation Meeting for them and also a Retreat for all the Board Members. A subject of discussion at the Board Retreat will be how the Board can interface with the committees better and help them.

Staff Comments

  • Wiley said that safety and staffing are two of the most important items in his weekly reports.
  • The Balboa Spillway Bridge Project is at the beginning of the implementation stage.
  • There is an additional shade shelter at Balboa Beach. “Thank you to the Evening Lions Club.”
  • There are 150 tons of sand sitting at Balboa Beach waiting to be spread. P & R made a decision to change the color of the sand this year. The white sand they normally use comes from two areas. All of the local sand suppliers stopped carrying this due to the exorbitant rise in price. The cost of the white sand has almost doubled this year and the rate was not a guaranteed price, nor was the delivery date guaranteed. The Balboa Beach sand budget is $6,000, which in the past would buy 150 tons of white sand. This year, the white sand would have cost over $11,000. The sand they decided to go with is the same that is used at the golf courses. They ended up under budget with the 150 tons costing $4,200. Hale said this is good sand and this fits the criteria for both the beaches and the budget. In addition, if the sand needs replenishing later in the year, we still have the money in the budget to do so.
  • P & R Department held an Open House on Sunday with mixed success. Attendance was light, but the Fitness Center signed up five new members. Wiley said they learned a lot and the next P & R Open House will only be for two hours instead of four.
  • The Spring Day Camp for Children was an important event, in order to get the word out that we do offer activities for children, not just for adults. There may be another Children’s Day Camp in the summer. Wiley asked for volunteers from the committee to help with the summer camp.
  • Waypoint is doing great. Opening Weekend realized sales of around $2,500. “That is more than we did any weekend last year.”
  • Wiley said they have whittled down their list of wants and needs in order to align them with realistic plans. The department/committee can still have a wish list, but needs should be concentrated on.

Committee Member Comments

Calvin Doody said he didn’t think the P & R Open House was so great. He said he was there from 1:00 to 3:00 PM and no one checked out the kayaking.

Fuller said they would start talking about the Fall Open House and what they can do differently to generate more traffic. Fuller stated, “The attendance was a little underwhelming.”

Quinton stated that the Village Digest has so much information in it that it can be hard to find things.

Quinton also said he sees a vision where we could have the Senior Olympics here. This would be a great promotion for the Village.

P & R has Two Subcommittees

Fuller said the P & R Committee has two sub-committees.

  • Fees and Seven-year Operations and Maintenance Table Review Subcommittee
    • The subcommittee members are Serena Gonzales, Jim Betts, and Mark Quinton
  • Annual Event Subcommittee
    • The subcommittee members are Calvin Doody, Evan Hanson, Serena Gonzales, and Debra Fuller.
    • This committee works on the Spring and Fall Amenities Open Houses, Get in the Game, and the Yak Run.

Get in the Game

Gonzales discussed the six-month Get in the Game event. Get in the Game runs from April 15 to October 15, 2022 and emphasizes getting involved in recreation activities, having fun, and also getting fit. Gonzales said, “It is much like the Amazing Race, in some ways.” Teams are formed which perform challenges of their choice from the list and are awarded different points for each activity. Significant points may be earned by teams/individuals posting their challenges on social media. This event encourages participation in amenities located all over the Village. At the end of six months, winning teams will be awarded prizes.

Sponsorships Needed

Sponsorships are needed for Get in the Game and the Yak Run. Details will come out at a later date.

Click here to visit the Get in the Game website.

Cooper Ad Hoc Land Evaluation Committee (CALEC)

Quinton is the P & R Committee representative on the CALEC. Quinton said, “It is a very talented group that they have assembled. Last week we visited every piece of Cooper Property. We wanted to make sure we were very thorough.” CALEC will be meeting two times a month.

Hale said, “We are looking at all options on the table at this time.”

Cheryl Dowden, Hot Springs Village Gazette, April 16, 2022


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