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HSVPOA Director of Public Services, Jason Temple, Resigns

On March 28, 2022, Jason Temple, HSVPOA Director of Public Services, resigned from his position at the Hot Springs Village POA.

Mr. Temple said, “I have enjoyed working here at Hot Springs Village for close to nine years, and this has been the most exciting job experience of my career. My wife and I are empty-nesters now, and the needs of my family have changed. At this point in my life, I am excited to explore new opportunities for the next phase of my career.

“With that in mind, the POA will start a candidate search process to find my replacement and I will provide my continued support and services for a smooth transition period over the next four to eight weeks. Hot Springs Village is an incredible place to work, and it’s been a privilege to work and serve here with all of you.”

We thank Mr. Temple for his service at the HSVPOA and he will be greatly missed. We wish him well in all of his future endeavors.

Cheryl Dowden, Hot Springs Village Gazette, March 30, 2022


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