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Hot Springs Village FRATF Report

Hot Springs Village – It’s About the Numbers (June 22, 2021)

The Village is 51 Years Old…..So is Much of the Infrastructure

The Future Revenue Analysis Task Force has completed the data analysis phase of our “task”, by identifying the financial challenges ahead for Hot Springs Village. That process also included sharing with property owners the magnitude and complexity of Hot Springs Village (water, wastewater, roads, culverts, fleet, etc.) and what it takes to run the Village – both day-to-day and year after year.

The infographic below summarizes six of the primary areas currently addressed in our annual budgets. It also shows the shortfall in revenue/income from what is needed.

HSV’s annual budget is built around expected income/revenue. Planned expenses must align with that income as closely as possible. The reality, however, is that the amount of dollars needed to maintain the basic infrastructure of the Village substantially exceeds annual income/revenue.

In the coming weeks and before making our recommendations to the Board of Directors, the FRATF will share with you, HSV’s property owners, options for addressing this problem. These options include many of the suggestions for reducing expenses and increasing revenue that has come directly from the community. The final decision for the resolution of the problem will rest in the hands of the property owners.
Stay tuned……..

Six of the Top Budget Drivers – Hot Springs Village


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Please click on the photos below to enlarge.

Damaged road
Water main break

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