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HSVPOA HR Manager Speaks at 2021 Board Retreat

Human Resources Manager Explains HR Challenges and Shares Upper Level Staff Reorganization Timeline

Kim Massey, Human Resources Manager shared her unique perspective and knowledge with the Hot Springs Village Board at the 2021 Board Retreat on May 12, 2021.

Massey has been with the HSVPOA for approximately nine months. Massey said, “I came during the midst of all of this shuffle.”

Massey continued, “I work in human capital, which is completely different than streets, maintenance, and all of the projects, but in my world, it is the most important thing. Because if we don’t have the human capital, we don’t have anything that will help us get these jobs done.”

Massey supervises three full-time employees in HR. She is also responsible for payroll.

Biggest Obstacle

The H.R. Manager’s biggest obstacle is retention and hiring of employees. “At the end of April 2021, we had 417 employees. Nine months ago, we had almost 470. “We are losing people for obvious reasons. We lost a big chunk of Food and Beverage people. Everybody needs people. There is just not enough people to go around,” explained Massey.

We have 168 part-timers and 251 full-time employees. The average hourly wage of the 417 employees is $15.54 per hour. Even not considering the top pay grades of level 12 and above, it drops down to an average of $14.86 per hour. Forty percent of the employees do not receive benefits.

A lot of the employees have been here over 30 years. Some are still barely making more than minimum wage. “That in itself is a challenge, that I brought before the Board and I would like to have it continue,” explained the manager.

146 part-time employees work for $11 an hour and 125 of those work without benefits.

We have a great benefit package. “That being said, it is not really any different than other companies that are trying to be competitive. We all offer PTO – Paid Time Off and life insurance.

“Even if I take out the Federal and State requirements and the Police Department and Fire Department because they are unique, I still have a benefits package on average that costs 45 percent,” stated Massey. Because we have so many people at $11 an hour, your benefits package looks so rich. But if you had a higher hourly wage, then your benefits package could go down as low as, for some of our people, it’s 30%”

Management Reorganization Timeline
  • In April 2019, our first COO retired. At that point, we had another person that filled the position for a while until the position was eliminated in June of 2020.
  • In June of 2019, we add a position – CMEO. This position was eliminated in August of 2020.
  • In 2019 we hired a Streets Maintenance Supervisor.
  • In November, our IT manager resigned. (We replaced the position twice in 2020.)
  • December of 2019, the Director of Marketing and Sales resigned. – Pay grade 12 -The position is eliminated.
  • February of 2020 we employ an IT Manager. He resigned in November. We promoted internally in December of 2020.
  • In May of 2020, the Director of Agronomy (pay grade 12) resigns and the position is eliminated.
  • In June of 2020, our CFO/Corporate Treasurer resigned and was replaced with our current Controller. This was an in-house promotion.
  • In June, the Director of Real Estate and Land Services – level 15 – position is eliminated.
  • In 2020, the Director of Human Resources resigned and was replaced by Kim Massey.
  • August of 2020, the General Manager is hired to replace the CEO.
  • In August of 2020, the CMEO position was eliminated.
  • October of 2020 Director of Recreation position is eliminated.
  • In November 2020 the Director of Food and Beverage retired.
  • September 2020, the Director of Food and Beverage was replaced with a Food and Beverage Manager.
  • 2021 – The General Manager retired. That position remains vacant.

March of 2021 we eliminated Food and Beverage Manager – pay grade 13.

Then there was a small internal promotion that took place that brought an employee into a Parks and Recreation Manager position.

  • July of 2021 the CEO position will be eliminated – we are still paying the ex-CEO until July of 2021

This is about $955,000 of eliminated pay, which does not include benefits.

There were some other lesser positions that have been removed as well. (Lesser than senior staff)

This helps to explain why at the end of 2020, we had 452 employees to where right now we have 417 employees.

Massey said they are working with schools and everybody they can to find some kids tht will come and help us and maybe enjoy mowing grass and helping out with the golf course greens.

Paul said “the positions that we need to fill are worker-level positions. They are already budgeted for. We are where we need to be with management. We are not looking at adding any except possibly in IT. We will discuss that later. Paul said, “we think we are right sized, going forward, as far as management goes and the worker level is where we are focused.”

Massey said, “we need more people and money. I am wrapping up the end of a compensation survey that has been in the works for about six months now. I will present that to the Board when they are ready for that. That has been a big, ugly monster.”

Paul asked Massey to describe what the Compensation Survey entails.

Massey stated, “There are 147 different positions within the POA. That goes all the way from greenskeeper all the way up to the General Manager.” Massey worked with a number of pre-made surveys and took the most applicable parts from all of them and is working on the verbiage for a unique HSVPOA Compensation Survey.

Director Avila asked if Kim had contacted the schools to try to arrange some internships and programs where students working here over the summer could get college credit.

Kim said they had a meeting yesterday (May 11, 2021) with the Fountain Lake Career Center. This program is in place and we have always had this with Jessieville. “We are looking at putting Tom [Heffer] and others in front of the students this fall.” The seniors this year are already graduating, so that is why this won’t be done until next fall.

Massey said she also approached area coaches to try to recruit lifeguards.

How Can We Communicate This Information to the Community

Director Omohundro asked Massey how we can get the message out to the community that staff positions have been eliminated. Massey said she hopes they watch the Retreat video.

Avila said communication with the Villagers could use a lot of work.

Director Chris Jones asked Massey what her goals are for 2021.

Massey said, “we are going to enter into the summer looking at compensation. She will be meeting with FRATF. People work here because we have benefits. It is not because they make $11 an hour. That is what attracts them. We are challenged because of our low rate and our geographic location….My thing is about needing people and money. Our goal is to hire every single position that we have available. People are just getting worked to death with overtime to compensate for the shortages…My goal is $15 an hour.”

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