Email from Saline County J. P. Keith Keck

All….here is Saline County Judge Jeff Arey’s COVID Update for April 27.

Slight positive confirmed COVID-19 case growth, but the Judge highlights the importance of the ongoing 2020 Census on Saline County as we move forward.  IF YOU HAVE NOT COMPLETED THE CENSUS…WHAT A PERFECT TIME TO DO IT FROM THE SAFETY OF YOUR HOME.

Keith Keck

Justice of the Peace

Saline County Quorum Court


Email from Saline County Judge Jeff Arey

To All Saline County Residents, 

Attached are the numbers for COVID-19 Saline County as of last night.  The count for confirmed positives rose slightly over the weekend with a total of 54.  Across the country, state and local governments are beginning to see the financial impact as the coronavirus pandemic dries up many of our revenue sources.  In a recent article, The National Association of Counties estimated that counties could be facing as much as $150 Billion in lost revenues. 

It’s never been more important for Arkansans to be counted in the 2020 Census.  The data gathered in the U.S. Census is essential to determining the amount of funding Arkansas receives for education, health care, roads, and other resources we rely on every day.  Even one percent undercount here in Saline County could result in a loss of nearly $42 million dollars over the next ten years!  Current conditions with the pandemic make it extremely important that people self-respond the 2020 Census.  For the first time, you can choose to complete your census online, by phone or by mail.  Find out more about each of these methods below. 

Click here for Information about taking the 2020 Census Online.

Click here for information about taking the 2020 Census by phone.

Click here for information about taking the 2020 Census by Mail.

Please encourage everyone in your community to self-respond, it’s simple and only takes a few minutes, and it’s important! 

Stay safe, and remember no more than 10, stay 6 feet apart, wear a mask and wash your hands!   


Jeff Arey

Saline County Judge

200 North Main Street, Suite 117

Benton, Arkansas 72015



4-27-20 Saline County COVID-19 Spreadsheet



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