Where Retirees Move by Andrew Kramek
With all of the recent emphasis on marketing the village, it was particularly interesting, today, to read an article on Yahoo Finance titled “Where Retirees Are Moving – 2019 Edition“. Using 2017 data the article lists numbers of retirees moving into, or out of, various cities. Three cities in Arizona top the list – Henderson, Mesa, and Tucson – as destinations for retirees. There is no mention of Arkansas, let alone Hot Springs Village, in the body of the article, which identifies the top States and Cities where retirees are moving in, or out.
Hot Springs Village – one of the best places to live in the entire US
However, the first comment in the “reactions” section of the article is from an individual identified only as “Tonto” and states:
One of the best places to live in the entire US is almost invisible to most retirees. Hot Springs Village in Arkansas. The Village is over 26000 acres and is the largest gated community in the US size wise. Houses are priced in all ranges, and there is common property throughout the Village to allow people some privacy. Plenty of golf courses for those who golf or want to learn. 9 lakes for fishing, over 30 miles of hiking paths through the woods, over 200 different clubs for people to join, and if there isn’t a club that you would like, you are welcomed to start one, with the Village support. 30 churches inside the Village or just outside the gates.
People from all 50 states live here, as well as 15 foreign countries. You can be as busy as you want, or be as laid back as you want. My wife is involved in several activities while I prefer a more laid back existence, and that makes us both happy as our needs are met. Lots of friendly people and a few old grouches. We’ve lived all over the US, and this is as close to heaven as you can get here on earth. Our population so far, on this 26000 plus acres, is 14000. So if you want peace and quiet, a bit of privacy, but close to plenty of activities … and a price range for homes from a couple hundred thousand up to a million or more, come visit and see for yourself. You won’t regret it…. – Tonto
Nice to see someone posting nice information about Hot Springs Village
Nice to see some positive information about the Village is getting out into the wider world. Unfortunately it does not seem to be coming from our (very expensive) Marketing Department, or, if it is, they prefer not to advertise the fact. Wouldn’t it be nice if our Marketing professionals had also responded to this article and included more information on the village. Like a link to our web site, where it is, how to get here, and the wonderful offers that they provide for prospective residents.
Discovery packages
Oh, wait a moment, they DON’T provide any wonderful offers for prospective residents do they? Apparently, the best they can come up with is a $349 “Discovery Package” with a choice of accommodation – either in a garden home at Mt Carmel or the Arlington Hotel. Neither of which are actually in the Village! What a great advertisement for someone wanting to buy a home here. Of course, if you don’t want to play golf, the price drops to $299 per couple. So for these visitors, we charge $50 for the round of golf, or to put it another way 150% of what a member pays for the same round of golf!
This year a new package added has been added – for the Diamante Country Club – which, for $449 includes accommodation in Diamante (there’s a novel idea, house the people in the place you are trying to sell), a round of golf and two meals for two at the Clubhouse as well as use of the club facilities.
Hot Springs Village needs to stand out
Don’t get me wrong here, these discovery packages are exactly in line with what all the other retirement communities (e.g. Del Webb, The Villages and Tellicoe Lake) are doing. So the best we can do, apparently, is to do exactly the same as everyone else. Therein lies the crux of the problem. Hot Springs Village doesn’t have the widespread name recognition that everyone else has, so just doing what everyone else is doing isn’t nearly enough. We need to make ourselves stand out from the crowd with our product offerings, rather than just merging into the background.
Features, Advantages and Benefits (FAB) approach
In my sales career, I was taught that to be successful your products have to have “Features”. These features have to offer the buyer “Advantages” over similar competitive products. However, you still won’t sell your product unless those advantages can be translated into “Benefits” to the purchaser. This is known as the F-A-B approach.
When I look at the HSV home page I see lots of features mentioned but very little in the way of advantages or benefits with perhaps the best example coming from the golf dept where we have the following (assuming you can be bothered to drill down through several layers of web page to find it):
Business outings and special events
Golf outings offer businesses a unique opportunity to spend time together while building and developing business relationships. Let Hot Springs Village put together a customized package or outing to meet your goals. All details are executed by our golf staff, allowing you and your guests to concentrate on golf and the business at hand. Hot Springs Village also has a variety of meeting spaces to take care of business before or after your round.
Almost classic:
Feature: Golf outings offer business relationship building opportunities and we have lots of golf courses.
Advantages: We can arrange it all for you and we have formal meeting facilities for business too.
Benefit: You concentrate on building the business relationships and having fun.
Unfortunately, this seems to be a pretty isolated example as, digging through the (somewhat tortuous and confusing) “Explore the Village” web site doesn’t reveal many more good examples, most pages seem feature bland, generic, statements that repeat over and over again and are even incorrect on occasion:
Cortez Beach
Located off Sereno Lane, Cortez has a sand beach, pavilion, grills, restrooms and picnic tables. The shaded area provides an ideal spot for picnics or relaxing.
Apart from the picture that this description conjures up of a luxurious beach environment with smart buildings and facilities the last time I was there (last Tuesday) the beach was gravel, the shed housing the restrooms was locked up and there was no sand in sight. Maybe I just missed it!

Let’s hope for a mention next year
We can only hope that something positive can be done about our marketing so that in the next year’s review of Where Retirees are Moving, HSV gets at least an honorable mention.
Written by Andrew Kramek, April 27, 2019
Edited/Formatted by Cheryl Dowden
Photography by Joe Dowden
Linda Van Scotter
04/27/2019 — 9:43 am
I don’t want any more swimmer’s at Cortez Beach. send them all to the sand at Balboa Beach.
Andy Kramek
04/27/2019 — 10:31 am
While I understand your sentiment, we also like Cortez a lot because it is relatively quiet and unused, I can’t agree with it. We need to encourage people to use what we have and, maybe then, we will get some improvements too.
04/27/2019 — 9:49 am
The beaches are for everybody and most of us welcome everyone to our beautiful and friendly community.
04/27/2019 — 9:56 am
The more the merrier.!!! The best place to get to know the wonderful people of the Village is on our beaches and golf courses.
Douglas A. “Andy” Turner
04/27/2019 — 12:17 pm
Andrew, this is absolutely spot on. I’m a retired public relations/marketing guy and am incredulous at the piddling web presence. For example, folks in the marketing office should all be online every day responding to articles and comments either ignore HSV mention it in any way. I spent a couple of hours doing that yesterday. It was productive.
Andy Kramek
04/27/2019 — 5:56 pm
Absolutely. Almost everything is web-driven these days and unless we get our message out there we will remain in a backwater drowning in the wake of the “Big Name” communities. To paraphrase Sir Winston Churchill, “Never has so little been done by so many in the service of their community”
Suzan Rust
04/28/2019 — 10:01 am
Our retirement plan was to move to Mesa, AZ. However, the milder climate and serenity and natural beauty of HSV was a definite plus. Adding in the availability of affordable housing, and HSV was the clear winner.
I do prefer the sand beach of Balboa over the pea gravel of Cortez.
Kirk Denger
04/28/2019 — 10:32 pm
We now call it Cortez Wall because Twiggs put the 3′ wall / drop off safety hazard for children and adults to break their necks, to hold the sand that washed away after the first rain. Now we are stuck with another Grandious Congress of New Urbanism delusion of a sandy tropical ocean beach without the ocean. We later learned that Cortez wall/ beach is not even one of our amenities as is alluded to when you buy your property, but is not even a common property. It is a reserved property that does not belong to the property owners. The wall needs to be removed along with the CMP and CCI should deed the property to the POA. Sand comes from the ocean which is unnecessary to enjoy the best natural freshwater beach in America without alligators. Let’s remain invisible on the national marketing level, we don’t need it and we are perfectly happy without it.
Andy Kramek
04/29/2019 — 5:30 pm
Thank you Kirk, very interesting. I did not know that about Cortez Beach and the Wall.
02/17/2020 — 8:11 pm
I’m considering buying a lot and building here. What is the average price of a home, and property. I would like to be near the water. Also, I was considering building a very unique, home. Not very large. Are there stipulations in place for the size of a home?