What a wonderful, magical time of the year Christmas is for children whose heads are filled with dreams of Santa flying through the sky, led by flying reindeer, delivering toys all over the world, and their own expectations of being on Santa’s good list.
But there are many little children whose eyes don’t grow wide with wonderment or sparkle with happiness because Santa doesn’t stop at their house.
Continuing a decades-old tradition, Triple D Realty, Inc., a locally owned, full-service Boutique Real Estate Brokerage, and official sponsor and collection center for the Toys for Tykes kicks off its annual campaign Monday, November 29th. Marian Crowder, owner and broker of Triple D, Inc., continues her mission to brighten the Christmas experience for children whose families face financial hardships in our local area.
With a Christmas spirit of selfless generosity and loving hearts, HSV Villagers share Marian’s commitment and show loyal support each year by donating a toy that will be given to a financially disadvantaged child.
Every year, individuals, churches, community organizations, and neighborhoods congregate to collect new or slightly used Santa-worthy toys suitable for elementary-aged children.

This year’s annual Joy of Giving campaign is Monday, November 29th through Monday, December 13th.
Drop-Off Location: Triple D Realty 4107 N Hwy 7 approximately ½ mile south of the West gate entrance
Drop Off hours: Santa’s helpers will be onsite (11/29th thru 12/13th) to collect toys Monday through Friday, 9 am to 3 pm and on Saturday, 9 am to 12 noon.
In the spirit of the Joy of Giving campaign, Marian requests that you spend a few minutes to pick up your Thank You appreciation goodie bag, and enjoy Hot Wassail and Rudolph’s very favorite, Reindeer Chow, a secret Santa recipe.
Merry Christmas
Submitted by Linda Sherman, November 11, 2021
Anne Shears
11/12/2021 — 10:18 am
This is a wonderful Christmas tradition in our community and I encourage everyone to participate. The past two years have been rough for many families. Let’s all help make Christmas a little bit brighter for the kids.