No Balboa proposal in board packet
The agenda does indeed have Balboa (Clubhouse and Golf Course) on the agenda, but for a topic so important with obvious monetary consequences – there is no proposal or presentation in the packet so that Villagers can be informed about your intentions.
I guess it is of no consequence that no resident in the Village has ever seen a year of golf operations without a loss. To exacerbate the situation I warrant that absolutely no thought has gone into the facts that there have been over time multiple golf course rehabs costing millions, that Troon has been a flop and not helped, that the Board and Management continued to help Troon bleed the Village by not terminating them at the end of their 2nd year which was the Village’s right.
Untold millions spent on foolish enterprises
And now you want to consider pouring more good money after bad? When will you realize that only increasing the population of the Village to spread costs and increase utilization can the Village have a chance to keep the existing golf courses, and manage the maintenance of the infrastructure? The Boards opportunity to take charge occurred in 2007 – this is 2019 and still no growth! But we have spent untold millions on foolish enterprises led by Board and Board-Sanctioned CEO’s.

You know what the people want
You know what the people want – you would have heard the peoples’ response to your failed initiatives in an attempt to amend the Declaration etc., if you didn’t continue to maintain the wax in your ears! You should have heard when the recent vote brought in some directors the people want for change.
Some of you are complicit
Some of you were here and participated in the vote on Nalley’s contract just days before the recent Board election results were revealed, so some of you are complicit in the underhanded manner of that contracts’ construction, execution, and signing. Honorable members would have delayed a forward contract of such significance until the new members were seated so that the current Board who would have to live the with the agreement would make the decision. But not you, we know where your loyalties lie and it is not with the Village or what the people want.
Now we have a grievance against two directors
Now we have a grievance filed by Nalley against two directors she did not want to get elected to the Board, saying they are impeding her performance of her job? To ignore and stifle the voice of the people? To build a pool at an enormous cost that is not justified at this time? By pouring more money in the dying enterprise of golf? By trying to redevelop the Village into something we do not want nor do we need; for an untested product that would cost millions of upfront costs before any indication of market acceptability can possibly be experienced and determined, and by using up precious resources that will continue to strip the Village of resources needed to propel proper growth?
Witch hunt of our Directors?
And, we have Board members who are playing Nalley’s game by participating in the witch hunt of our Directors? Really now, you’ve shown who you are working for and it is not the Village? Your lack of true loyalty to the Village and misfeasance is astounding! I sure hope this abuse of power by Nalley is not costing the Village more money – it needs to come out of her pocket.
Rest of Board should stand with Diana and Dick
Further our Board has insurance and that policy should be drawn on to support Directors Podawiltz and Garrison. The rest of the Board should be standing with these two to repeal the attack by an employee of the Board who is clearly losing her marbles by attacking Directors and being so childish in response to well earned and justified resistance from Board members! And where is Campagna? You, sir, are a real disappointment!

In summary “Disgust” for your actions, agenda, and demonstration of “building trust” is beyond measure. Like German Debt – the trust factor has gone below zero.
Note from Cheryl: This is an email Clark Vernon sent to the Board of Directors on Tuesday, August 20, 2019, before the August Board meeting.
Minn Dsly
08/23/2019 — 7:32 pm
We thank you Clark Vernon! We thank you Cheryl for posting! You are so on target with your analysis. After this BOD member meeting I feel that there is NO control in anything this group does including profiling members who disagree with them. I have stated this to all of the BOD/CEO by e/mail. All of us must change our way of looking at this & get this situation straighten out. They should all be ashamed of what has happened in last 3 meetings. Rspecially at the last meeting! With Steve Rust & Kirk! Respectfully, Minn Daly
Mary Odom
08/23/2019 — 8:09 pm
Thank you for sharing this. Right on target!
George Tenuta
08/23/2019 — 10:37 pm
I don’t know the marketing magic bullet to get folks to come here, but the quality and cost to play have to be at a high level for any type of success at attracting golfers or those interested in learning. With 8-1/2 courses within a 20 minute drive, this is a golf community. Thousands of homes and lots are valued based on this fact. Without a major concession by those owners to forego that value, we are faced with a very serious dilemma of how to maintain (courses) and grow population to support everything.
Golf is far from “dead”. As a non-contact, life long sport with many health benefits, it appears there is an appetite for playing among young and old. Alternatives like Top Golf facilities and versatile course layouts that allow less holes to be played are becoming very appealing and generating new interest.
Some statistics below support this.
The National Golf Foundation, which appears to be a well respected and factual organization has published the following…
The number of golfers age 65-and-over increased almost 17% to 4.2 million in 2018. This number should continue to increase as the balance of Baby Boomers, the youngest of whom are 54, cross this milestone. As they retire, they should continue to positively impact rounds for the next decade. Golfers who were 65 or over played an average of 36 Rounds IN 2018
14.7 Million people who didn’t play golf in 2018 said they are “very interested” in playing golf on a golf course.
A 15% increase in this pool of potential golfers over the past two years is attributable in part to the growth and popularity of off-course golf. Almost half of this untapped demand is comprised of “lapsed golfers” who played on a course previously, but not within the past year, while the rest are those who never played golf on a course before.
There are another 33 million who say they are “somewhat interested” in playing.
More info is available for free at
08/24/2019 — 5:01 am
Troon has never been profitable from day one. It is all a scam and a lie. And the “savings” the POA claims are nothing compared to the cost of the Troon contract.
Just another example in a long, long line of bad decisions by incompetent and dishonest people.
08/24/2019 — 2:44 pm
You know it’s (almost) fun to anticipate and read these well manicured narratives by such informed and educated Villagers.
Unfortunately, that’s all they are, is narratives. Paragraphs full of substance without a doubt, but nothing that will actually exact any resolution to our problems.
So let me lay it out for everyone who just cannot or refuses to see the forest through the trees!
We have two alternatives.
1) Form a group of concerned Property Owners led by one or two of our most dedicated activists, like Lorri Street, Cherly and/or Joe Dowden, Gene Garner, Clark Vernon, Frank Leeming, Tom Blakeman. There’s a few others but only a few that have the smarts to lead a group. Create a charter that is CLEAR AS A SUNNY DAY, stating that We The Property Owners want the legacy BOD members and TURNCOAT Tormey recalled AND we want Lesley Nalley FIRED! Hire a law firm that has proven abilities to litigate such matters and be damned certain they have ZERO ties to Nalley or anyone in HSV! Then suit the lot and fight this out in court. Set up a Go Fund Me site stating these goals and objectives and just watch how the coffers fill!
2) Reconstitute the Board to exact all of the above by electing like-minded quality, reputable Directors like Dick and Diana. BUT, get used to waiting and waiting and waiting because this will take a couple of years – MORE – if Lesley has her way (again), and gets Diana and Dick kicked out!
Lastly: try to wrap your brain around the fact that Lesley is behaving like any one of us would given role reversals. She’s bathing herself with an outrageous salary coupled with incredible benefits and a ironclad almost no-cut contract. Lesley is in “preservation mode!” She’s going to FIGHT any thing and any one that tries to take her golden goose contract away from her. She knows full well, that should she lose her job in HSV, she’ll be lucky to earn one-quarter of what she’s making here (stealing) from us. Her disgraceful reputation will be following her for years to come. She knows that HSV is her golden parachute into a financially happy retirement and she will act like a cornered animal should any of us try to take that away from her. She could care less about property values, property owners or the honorable thing to do.
We got two choices! Pick one and let’s put all our narratives in to real action.
Otherwise, just admit defeat and enjoy your remaining years here in HSV.
Kirk Denger
09/05/2019 — 9:31 pm
Anonymous08/24/2019 — 2:44 pm, Thank you for your great ideas. The nothing that will actually exact any resolution to our problems is the lag between the quake and the tsunami, stay tuned.
W Carter
08/25/2019 — 10:30 am
“The rest of the Board should be standing with these two to repeal the attack by an employee of the Board who is clearly losing her marbles by attacking Directors and being so childish in response to well earned and justified resistance from Board members! ”
I am, uncomfortably, reminded of the Martin Niemöller quotation:
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Look out Hot Springs Village – this is a road well-trodden!