Tucker Omohundro Interview – Tucker Talks, Episode Two – Real Estate Business (Village Homes and Land and Builders Guild)

Note: This article is second in a four-part series of “Tucker Talks”. Tucker Omohundro, is a quality custom home builder in Hot Springs Village, Arkansas. He posted a comment on October 28, 2018, on the Hot Springs Village POA Facebook page before the Declarations Vote. This post was quickly removed, but not before others saw his comment and made their own comments. Wash, rinse and repeat. This happened three times before Tucker decided to post three comments on his own Facebook page, where he would not be censored. (Please see text with the beige background color below.) Please refer to episode one for this to make sense. You may want to bookmark this website so you are sure not to miss the rest of this series.
A little background on Village Homes and Land
Village Homes and Land is a subsidized department in the HSVPOA structure, around which swirls much controversy and confusion. Why do we have this branch? If it is not profitable, why do property owners continue to subsidize this operation? Is it fair to the independent realtors to subsidize with their assessments, an operation that is in direct competition with their own livelihood?
HSVPOA’s Builder Guild
There is also much disagreement as to the advisability of the HSVPOA starting and supporting a Builder’s Guild, where only two builders are promoted. The POA recommends clients to only these two Builder Guild builders. Is this fair to the other builders in the community or is this a monopoly?
Tucker’s second post
This is Tucker Omohundro’s second post, which he originally made on his own Facebook page, subsequent to the censoring that was occurring on the HSVPOA Facebook page.
Ok, we decided we can let one person spend several hundred thousand dollars and go into the real estate business. I would love to hear if anyone on the board or the CEO would have invested the first dollar of their own money in this endeavor. (We know that answer.) Can’t wait to see the books on this. But of course, it is all hidden under marketing. A local realtor told me about a proposal they presented to the POA. It was a three or four-tier pricing for our lots. Sounded like a great plan, and it cost the POA no marketing cost. What’s amazing is they were told “no”. Why?
This brings me to another subject. The POA is spending my money to advertise and promote my competition, the Builders Guild. They only show homes constructed by the builders in the guild, and I think, occasionally, some resale. I do have new property owners to back this up if it is disputed. (That truth thing again.) Ok, now do you really understand the CEO’s agenda??? Real Estate Office, Builders, Developer Plan. (Opinion) If she can pull the vote off, it will not be long till we (realtors/builders) will be pushed out of the village, if we are not paying or working for the POA. Think about this for a minute, Cooper could have done this from the start. Truth as I know it, Cooper did not because giving customers no choice, would be a recipe for failure.
I could go into the management and poor choices of that management, but I think I am done for now. I will be glad to try and answer any questions you have. If the truths I presented and my opinions have not made you think, well as they say, you can’t fix …..
PS. I think I have one more thing that most will like to hear.
Written by Cheryl Dowden
Monica Impellizzeri
07/03/2019 — 8:17 am
Clear and concise facts! Why don’t the other board members see this! I know this all goes back to her New Urbanism plan. Read and follow how New Urbanism works and this is right out of their playbook.
Nalley ‘s goal is to prove that she can turn our village into an example of New Urbanism.
Lloyd Sherman
07/03/2019 — 8:34 am
Tucker pointed out and continues to support his statements that we have a property owner subsidized operation that is a form of a monopoly as well as has set themselves up to be a direct hostile competitor to the for-profit businesses that have supported the Village’s growth. You just can’t sugar coat the series of decisions that have been made in an attempt to change the very face of the Village. THESE DECISIONS ARE COSTING THE PROPERTY OWNERS. Make no mistake, this is all about control, and thus far the board has either been unable or have decided, to allow this path to continue. ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES. Remember that this next election and do your part to take back control of the Village through board members who support property owners and not discount them.
Walter Chance
07/03/2019 — 12:29 pm
I missed part 1. Can you repost. I am a new builder here and Tucker has been most helpful. I will not be joining the guild.
07/03/2019 — 12:33 pm
Walter, here is a link to Tucker Talks, episode 1: https://hotspringsvillagepeople.com/tucker-talks-episode-1/
michael fleming
07/03/2019 — 3:33 pm
God bless you Tucker. We need people like you who know that Cooper has not been the neglector of the village. It was a dirty smear campaign that has turned around to bite ‘em on the butt.
But still, even though it is inevitable that the people (owners) will prevail, we have some work still to be done.
Two things drive me crazy. Well, maybe there is more from the CMP/LN disciples. But..the two I’m thinking of right now is “we hired/elected them, let’s let them do their job and leave them alone, don’t rock the boat”
Nope, ain’t happening. We are not sitting around waiting for the next election without expressing our concerns about anything, especially when it’s still ruled by the old guard, especially when they have the power to change the rules of the game right now, even though we have 3 excellent board members. “Shut up and let them govern” doesn’t work yet but it shall next year.
“Be nice and shut up”…That would be tantamount to being a bobble head and letting LN just plow through and not consider the wishes of the hot springs village majority.
Why not make your feelings known for the next board election so they waste no time dealing with the aristocracy? Yes, we are thinking that far ahead.
The other one that makes me want to chew nails is “the CMP has wonderful things in it and we paid for it so let’s keep some of it”
Hey people, that is just annoying rhetoric from the people that proclaim that the election had nothing to do with the CMP. Uh, like everything to do with the CMP. Changing those declarations and we have a wild and untamable CMP. The beast would have been loosed to inflict it’s wrath on the village.
What a wonderful victory it was. So we’ve been there and done that with the November 30, 2018 vote. Guess what? CMP REJECTED.
We need to distance ourselves from the CMP. Jettisoned through the scupper hole and into the shredder and used only for mice bedding. Or we can try to sell it at a bargain to Dallas or Houston.
Now that the vote has soundly rejected the Declaration changes, they can’t do anything to develop these mind boggling New Urbanism walkabout neighborhoods in the CMP. Not in rural Arkansas.
Now we know why there was so much importance riding on the CMP. So much of your money spent to sway the vote.
There was even rhetorical statements in CMP about how this and that was going to take place after the declaration vote (yes) was favorable to CMP. They were pretty confident that the declarations would pass.
A Message to our astute management…Give it up for Pete’s sake. The CMP is for all it’s fantastic fanfare, is just dead on arrival. If it wasn’t so bloated with fancy words and graphics, which baffles some people, we would not be having this argument. Unsustainable. Open your eyes, listen to your people, understand, it ain’t working here, because we have upstanding and honorable people like
Tucker, Diana, Tormey and Dick that will explain why not.
Vicki Husted
07/03/2019 — 7:52 pm
Tucker Omohundro… the truth has a way of just causing things to happen!
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and experience. I’m excited to hear more! I started reading some very old history of CCI last night, and was immediately struck with Mr. Cooper’s dedication to the property owners from the very beginning. When he first formed a BOD, it was, of course, peopled with his employees and some family, but within just a couple of years he started getting property owners in the drivers’ seat! He didn’t have to do that; and other things I’ve learned about him convince me that he had then–and still has–the best interests of property owners and this community as his guiding principle.
Lloyd Sherman, I hope many, many people read and heed your admonition to do their part to take back control and return this Village to the principled path Mr. Cooper set us on.
Michael Fleming, I agree with your comments, and especially that we still have work to do. I am happy that people are starting to understand and wake up, and what really concern me, too, is even the idea of keeping bits and pieces of the CMP. Yes, there are some good things; and yes, we have already paid for it–but I really feel we’d be so much wiser to scrap the whole thing and start from scratch. Otherwise, we’d end up with a mish-mash of gobbledly-gook like so many hushed and hurried revisions have made over time with our governance documents, which are only now coming to light.
Adding some new Board members will enable our little ship to be righted and remain the dream that I and so many others moved here for!
Kirk Denger
07/03/2019 — 8:55 pm
Take a look at the new Articles of Incorporation of the Hot Springs Village Property Owners Association, by its Secretary, does hereby certify
that at a meeting of its Board of Directors, duly called and held in accordance with its Bylaws
and applicable law, on January 17, 2018, by a majority vote of the Directors, the following
Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation were adopted: TENTH: Upon dissolution of the Association, the assets of the Association, both real and
personal, shall be dedicated to an appropriate public agency or utility to be devoted to purposes as
nearly as practicable the same as those to which they were required to be devoted by the
Association. In the event that such dedication is refused acceptance, such assets shall be granted,
conveyed and assigned to any nonprofit corporation, association, trust or other organization, to be
devoted to purposes as nearly as practicable the same as those to which they were required to be
devoted by the Association.
The Congress of New Urbanism is a non-profit 501 (c) (3).