January 11, 2020
LTD Position Paper
( Lloyd, Tucker, and Dick – LTD)
January 10, 2020 marked the due date for those interested in running for the three open positions on the HSVPOA Board of Directors to submit their applications. While the total number of candidates who have chosen to run may not be available for a few days, we can announce that Lloyd Sherman, Tucker Omohundro, and Dick Garrison all submitted their application to fill seats in this upcoming election.
We three candidates are familiar with each other and know through discussions that we see eye-to-eye on most of the activities that need to occur to return the Village back to the will of the people.
We want to share what we consider to be a few of the top items that we have agreement on. This is not necessarily in the order of importance.
Bylaws, Policies, Procedures
Previous Boards have allowed many of our documents to be altered in such a manner that the result is a shift of power away from the Board and over to management. While management should be held accountable for the daily operation of the Village, the strategy and direction should be established, maintained and reviewed by the Board according to reasonable judgment and the will of the people. The Board are elected officials of the property owners. We commit to you that this is a significant issue and ranks extremely high on our priority list to fix should we be elected.
Comprehensive Master Plan (CMP)
Of all the things that have caused a divide in the Village, this document ranks very high, if not the highest in perpetuating this division. While some of the detail that is contained in this document has value, the real issue is that this document represents a strategic focus of changing the POA from a maintenance organization to that of a development organization. Moving this “work in process” document under the category of a governing document is wrong on so many levels. Tying the CMP as a loyalty pledge to serve on supporting committees goes back to the Bylaws, Policies & Procedures issue. This document also attempts to change the structure and composition of the Village to a Resort or Vacation Destination. The overall direction of changing the Village to something it cannot be, indicates we need to admit it was a mistake and develop common-sense strategic plans engineered by the elected officials (Board).
How many years have we been hearing that we need a marketing plan? Can we move forward without one? The answer is no. A real, targeted and managed marketing plan needs to be developed and implemented. The CMP will tell you the only way we can succeed is through the development of a Town Center, Pocket Neighborhoods, and Lodging. In our current environment, we can’t afford to head down a path of any of these concepts. We don’t have the money and until a real Developer comes forward to fully-fund and maintain any such facilities, these are just pie-in-the-sky concepts. A marketing plan has to be focused. Right now, we have a shotgun approach recommended by the CMP and potential buyers are getting mixed signals as to what kind of a community we are. Let’s get this issue resolved once and for all and the Board has the ability to make that happen.
Our compensation expense for the POA has grown by $3,000,000 since 2015. Why? A pretty easy answer from our perspective. We are top-heavy with too few laborers to provide the proper maintenance of our amenities. We are also contracting way too much that used to be accomplished by our employees or volunteers. In some respects, you can view the two-tier assessment as now having been totally spent on increasing our compensation. We have to begin a systematic evaluation and implementation of an austerity program along with implementing a marketing-based growth strategy.
We could go on with our list, but we believe these represent a sampling of the activities that need to be taken on by the 2020 Board of Directors. We understand we are going to meet with opposition for much of what we represent, but we are ready, willing and able to be part of the solution and not part of the problem.
We want to ensure all understand we are not running or suggesting that we are running as a slate, but rather three individuals with similar views on the tasks that the next Board needs to take on.
Individually, and collectively we ask for your support in the upcoming HSV POA Board election.
Cover Text by https://ya-webdesign.com
Mary Odom
01/11/2020 — 2:14 pm
Agree and those 3 have our vote!!
Minn Daly
01/11/2020 — 2:47 pm
LTD, you have my vote & willingness to help in any way possible. We need CHANGES to HSV BOD & I believe that you three will make this happen. Thank you for running for this position in a difficult time as this LEGACY BOD/CEO have put HSV in dire financial position. We need for you first thing to get the books open to all transactions, cure this top heavy POA Staff. Thank you all three for running! Minn Daly
Vicki Husted
01/11/2020 — 4:27 pm
Thank you for such a well-written position paper that I am very pleased to see all three of you are in general agreement on. Don’t mean to be a stickler for details, but under Bylaws, Policies and Procedures, it would make my little heart happy if there had been just a few more words in this excerpt:
“the strategy and direction should be established, maintained, and reviewed by the Board according to reasonable judgment and the will of the people.
i.e.: established, maintained, reviewed and CORRECTED as necessary…
I DO know that correction is your intent, but I’m an old technical writer, and feel compelled to tie things up with a bow! LOL
GO Lloyd, Tucker & Dick!! Thank you all three.
Lloyd Sherman
01/11/2020 — 4:37 pm
Thank you Vicki for pointing out the omission but can assure you that correction as necessary was the intent.
01/11/2020 — 6:30 pm
You have my vote!
01/11/2020 — 6:53 pm
You have our vote….and will share 💃
Man from the clouds
01/12/2020 — 9:05 am
Finally some common sense is come to the Village
01/12/2020 — 12:13 pm
It sounds good to me and I would vote for you three today if I could.
I am still relatively new to HSV so there are questions about hearsay information regarding built-in impediments to change that protect the status quo and thwart meaningful change.
It is my impression that board members who refuse to adopt Nalley’s agenda are forced to resign. Is that myth or fact? Also, are dissenting board members forbidden to disclose disagreements that arise in closed meetings?
Is it fact or fiction that Nalley meets with newly elected board members privately, in a closed meeting, and lays out rules they must accept and honor, and which are to remain hidden from the public?
I was appalled when the legacy board increased the “majority” to mean 6 of 7 votes. Does “majority” now apply to every controversey or just the one that ensured Nalley’s conract renewal?
01/12/2020 — 12:39 pm
I am not sure who you are addressing here so I will put in my two cents worth.
1. Forced resignations? I have not heard of any forced resignations.
2. The full details of closed meetings are not given to the general public. I believe the final results and decisions of the majority BOD are presented at the Board meetings. We have not heard of any disagreements that arise in closed meetings.
3. Does Ms. Nalley meet with newly elected BOD members in a closed meeting? Again, we do not know of any details of any closed meetings or even if this particular type of meeting with regards to Ms. Nalley laying out rules even happens.
4. The 6 out of 7 rule does not apply to every “controversy” or decision.
Thank you for your excellent questions.
01/12/2020 — 7:06 pm
One board member who refused to adopt Nalley’s agenda was forced out for disclosing disagreements that arose in closed meetings. At the board retreat, Nalley meets with newly elected board members privately, in a closed meeting, with her personal shrink and lawyer, and lays out rules they must accept and honor, and which are to remain hidden from the public. It is not hearsay information regarding built-in impediments such as 6 out of seven votes not to renew, but to terminate the contract to change what protects the status quo and thwart meaningful change.
01/12/2020 — 8:31 pm
Thank you, Anonymous. About that private meeting between Nalley and newly elected board members – do you know if they could be accompanied by own shrinks and lawyers?
01/12/2020 — 9:25 pm
Most likely and that is exactly what needs to happen, however, you and I will not foot the bill as only the ceo has a $50,000 spending discretion available; out of our pocket change.
01/13/2020 — 8:06 am
The first thing we need to know about anyone running for the board is to whom or what they believe they owe their FIDUCIARY duty: the corporation or the people. And there can’t be any double-speak here – it has to be one or the other.
So, if they believe and swear it is to the latter we are ok. If the former, then we need to know how they plan to change the governing documents to fix the problem.
If we do not elect representatives that believe they are beholden to us and owe their fiduciary duty to us then we will continue to be screwed.
So let’s hear the declarations from LTD candidates.
Andy Kramek
01/13/2020 — 8:24 am
Gentlemen, if I may, I would remind everyone that we have heard similar statements of intent many times in the past. However, it seems that whenever new Board members have their responsibilities and duties “explained” to them, a “re-education process” takes place and stated intentions take a back seat.
Mr Campagna is a case in point – you will recall that he ran for the board promising major change but as soon as he saw which side his bread was buttered he changed camps and is just as much part of the PoA swamp as the rest of the old board. Only Ms Podawiltz has remained somewhat true to her pre-election positions but, in a minority of one, and having seen what happened to Mr Garrison (removed from the board for no clearly defined reason, but undoubtedly ‘pour encourager les autres’), she has been effectively silenced.
So the key question for all candidates for the Board is just how do you propose to avoid the conflict of interest that will inevitably arise between your ‘overriding duty to the corporation’ – that will, no doubt, be explained in great detail in closed meetings – and your stated intentions of overturning much of what the corporation has done in past few years?
Please don’t misunderstand me, I will definitely be voting LTD, but my fear is that you will be just as effectively hamstrung by reality as previous candidates have been.
01/13/2020 — 8:59 am
Anonymous, equal representation seems fair, if only by retired HSV psychiatrists and lawyers who might be interested in attending and supporting new board members on a volunteer basis. Oh well.
Applause for these candidates and their willingness to challenge “corporation” tactics and restore community. Amen.
01/13/2020 — 6:50 pm
Retired HSV psychiatrists and lawyers are in most cases not licensed in Arkansas, and very few have stepped up if any, to volunteer, knowing the possible liabilities.
Voletta Chavis
01/13/2020 — 1:03 pm
I will be campaigning and voting for these three candidates: Dick, Lloyd, and Tucker. I believe in them and their plans for the Village. If you know me, then you know my character and the moral and Christian values by which I live my life. I ask you to vote for these three candidates However, I do admit to and deeply regret my past mistake: I campaigned for Tormey but he lied to me and everyone else and turned traitor to the villagers who voted for him. He tried to explain why he changed sides at one of the meetings that I attended saying that things were different once he got on the BOD and he saw his need to make a change. Shame on him for deceiving us; I will never forgive him!
Folks, this is our chance to right the wrongs in our BOD and I believe with all my heart that Dick, Lloyd, and Tucker are the right men for our BOD.
01/13/2020 — 6:42 pm
There might still be a glimmer of hope for the vice-chair. Remember Darth Vader still was human somewhere deep inside his soul as he served his master, it took killing his son to bring it out, but it was still there. Put yourselves in their positions; you must pledge to uphold the revised bylaws, policies and cmp you know are wrong but without the pledge, you will not get a chance to remove them.
01/13/2020 — 7:01 pm
So let us hope that LTD,D and possibly chameleon T, will remove the grip our new Master has on our souls.
01/13/2020 — 7:23 pm
CEO has a DEATH GRIP on Hot Springs Village and their wallets. Villagers need to pray that LTD wins the election.
01/14/2020 — 1:19 pm
I will absolutely be voting for Lloyd, Tucker & Dick.
I will, to the best of my ability, promote these candidates to all my friends and neighbors.
Once again, and I cannot say this enough times:
NOT ONE DIME until Lesley Nalley, all the legacy BOD members and turncoat Tormey are removed from office.
If these 3 candidates don’t get elected come March – a FOR SALE sign will go up on my property. I will not live in a community run by people who will not listen to and act upon the wishes of the majority property owners.
And make no mistake about it – the POA sponsored candidate is Nikki Choyce – champion and co-chairperson of the CMP committee. She and her committee members are marching to Lesley’s orders. DO NOT VOTE FOR HER unless you simply love the path that Lesley and her crew are taking us “down!”
I am hoping for a landslide victory for Lloyd, Tucker & Dick.
They are REALLY our only hope to right this sinking ship!
01/15/2020 — 7:26 am
Dick Garrison needs to speak for himself and tell us what he was accused of doing. It was explained to me as “something serious”, person wouldn’t say more than that, so my question is what’s hanging over us if he is voted back in? Go on record here Dick, what were the accusations and were they true?
01/15/2020 — 8:39 am
John, it seems like former board members are beyond Nalley’s reach and could freely speak of the terms they were obliged to accept. Makes me wonder if the threat of legal action hangs over their heads for a lifetime if they disclose the details? Anyone?
Dave Sintich
01/14/2020 — 4:55 pm
Closed door meeting with Lesley is ridiculous as she works for us and is governed by the Board. The new Board should have a meeting with her informing the a new G.M. will be hired, and she is to report 5 days a week, 8 hours a day, and sit silently to receive her pay but not have any more control or say in Village. We have to pay her but now we can control the money she would have been spending till her contract ENDS. With 3 new members plus Diana, common sense and a understanding of real business can help in bringing our Village back from the edge of ruin. We will now have a 4 to 3 vote and be able to accomplish many things in time and with the help of an “educated” General Manager who should have a great business sense, a bright future is on our horizon !! L-T-D was great for Ford for many many years, as I believe it shall be for us.
Bernard McIntyre
01/15/2020 — 5:53 pm
The remarks submitted by Dave are ‘right on’. Lesley has had it all worked out in her contract should if she is ‘FIRED’, so requiring her to sit in a chair, in the Lobby of the POA for the remainder or her contract would be most fitting.
It is necessary to get the Village on a ‘correct path’ in order to prevent it from becoming another ‘Bella Vista’. Our Village is a retirement community, and we do wish to have amenities which enhance our retirement. There is NO effort being made to providing any amenities, or other such enhancements which might provide ‘attraction’ for future Villagers.
Oh yes, I am most amenable to a ‘Town Center’ where there might be opportunity for shopping or entertainment, but this Village operates on a deficit each year and requires increasing fee’s and assessments in order to forestall complete failure. WHERE is the money going to come from to entice any development of such ventures. Its all ‘pie in the sky’ and wishful thinking until Private Enterprise takes interest and is willing to ‘foot the bill’ for any such developments. Yes, private enterprise and the POA could work out a mutually beneficial agreement but there is no effort being made to achieve that objective.
I do hope we all have noticed the increasing operating costs for our community, but those increasing costs are not simply cost of living increases, they are also result of increased hiring for positions which are created. This hiring is little more than development of a corporate hierarchy with a ‘self-designing’ CEO at the apex. That is what Lesley has intended and, thanks to a few errant Board members, has accomplished.
We must give Diane some aid as she is being coerced with threat of ejection, just as was done with Dick, if she objects to any of Lesley’s tactics. Placing Lloyd, Dick, and Tucker on the Board will aid in returning the Village to the people. Only by changing the edicts, forced through by Lesley, can this be accomplished.
01/15/2020 — 7:30 pm
Again we need to hear directly from
Diana. Please enlighten us to your plight.
01/16/2020 — 10:45 am
Thank you HSVPOA management “John” for your basically anonymous comment. – Cheryl
Life Is Good
01/15/2020 — 8:23 pm
LTD elected, 4-3 vote on issues in the interest the members, frustrated Nilley sees the writing on wall and poof, she is gone!
Tom Blakeman
01/17/2020 — 7:55 am
I posted these comments and questions under Tucker’s recent message but they apply to all candidates:
First, thanks for stepping up to run. Much appreciated. I like the philosophy you have projected.
But I would like to know a few more specifics including:
1. Will you replace Nalley?
2. Will you shut down and remove the CMP?
3. How will you run marketing if not under POA?
4. What do you propose to fix the broadband and cellular issues which exist?
5. Will you disband the Governance Committee?
6. Will you cancel the “board orientation” and get rid of the misguided consultants who POA have had running it?
7. What are you going to do about collecting assessments owed and growing from defaulters?
8. What is your position on raising assessments and/or special assessments?
9. As a board member to whom do you think your fiduciary duty is owed: the Members or the Corporation?
10. How exactly will you fix the gate problem?
11. When and how will you reverse all the bad bylaw and policy changes which have been forced upon us by the last 4 or 5 boards?
12. How do you propose to fix our failing and $2 million per year losing golf program?
13. What do you think can be done to obtain some payback from the counties of even a little bit of the Millions they collect every year from us in taxes?
Kirk Denger
01/27/2020 — 10:04 pm
1. Yes, the ceo is an elected position, a clear path in four hours.
2. Yes, the cmp is an elected plan and can be erased in four hours.
3. Supply and demand.
4. Get 5G unlimited Pro with ATT cellular hot spot and then cut the cord.
5. No, just the present members.
6. Absolutely, we will have a 50-year celebration instead.
7. Write off yesterday, lower assessments today.
8. Base assessments on property value, no special assessments.
9. The corporation is created for the Property Owners.
10. Build manned Guardhouse/ Police sub-stations at every gate.
11. Within the first four hours of being sworn in by majority vote.
12. Variable scale golf fees.
13. Enjoy the protections provided by the authority of our Counties.
I will be happy to answer any other follow-up questions as well Tom.
01/18/2020 — 9:47 am
The majority of property owners want the cancer removed from our Village.
The answer to Tom’s question #1 is critical to how “we” will vote.
I would suggest that LTD drive a stake in the ground and declare their intentions on Question #1.
So – LTD – what’s your answer? Please no fluff! Just let the voting public know where you stand.
01/18/2020 — 10:35 am
Here is a perfect opportunity for you to ask questions of the candidates.
Mark your calendars, put on your dancing shoes, and get ready to dance into the future with the Board Candidates. On February 22, Hot Springs Village People is hosting a 2020 Board Candidate Meet & Greet – Dancing into the Future.
Join us for an opportunity to meet and converse with the 2020 Board Candidates. Plan to enjoy music, dancing, and lively conversation.
Joe Dowden
Lloyd Sherman
01/18/2020 — 10:12 pm
Well, I wasn’t going to weigh in on this first, but pretty apparent it is not going away. Some of these questions can’t be answered without qualifies, so for those wanting yes or no answers on some issues, they can’t happen. Keep in mind each board member has ONE vote and you need consensus to reach a majority decision. Failure to do so will result in business as usual for the foreseeable future and one has to ask how many more cycles can we go through before it is too late.
1. Do I believe we need a change in management? Yes. Do I see a clear path to seeing that happen? No! The previous board to include Cindi, Nancy, Buddy, and Mike ensured the position was protected from the dismissal by the board. This same group is also likely to extend her contract rendering the next board unable to remove the CEO. I do not support the continued employment of the CEO, nor do I believe we require a CEO. A GM suits this position much better.
2. CMP cannot be implemented! It needs to be eliminated and we need to go back to strategic plans that meet our immediate needs with an eye on the future.
3. The Board should be the brain trust and my vote would be for a board-level Marketing Committee made up of ex-marketing professionals. We have to create an environment where builders want to invest in building new rooftops.
4. I wish I could answer that. I don’t know! Obviously more towers would help but unless the providers are willing to invest in our community, things cannot improve. We need to continue to try and work with them to make that happen.
5. Yes. If you have a board that can work together, why do you need yet another group of board members to determine what they are going to bring before the entire board? This is a redundant operation.
6. Yes. There are other professional options that do nothing but provide good board leadership and having a group that follows the will of someone else, is totally unnecessary.
7. Continue the collection efforts while realizing the value of lots has been diminished by the POA. Lot programs have been proposed in the past and have fallen on deaf ears. We need to restore the value to lot ownership with a specific program.
8. I believe our assessments are too low to maintain what we have. However, I cannot support even suggesting an increase until such time as an austerity program has been implemented and property owners have been ensured their monthly investments are being used wisely.
9. It is actually to both, but you cannot be responsible to the organization if you are not first responsible for the very people who comprise the organization.
10. Because I have reviewed enough of the gate debacle to believe the POA would lose a lawsuit to ISN, I would vote in favor of settling the lawsuit and allowing the project to be completed. We need to remain a gated community.
11. To me, this is priority one. Article IX needs to be clarified and then all supporting documents need to be altered to ensure control is returned to the Board. This is not negotiable.
12. This question goes back to the marketing issue. We simply are not targeting the proper demographics to increase rooftops or bring more golfers to our community. This amenity is either our largest asset or the largest liability.
13. There are few options available to open up the receipt of tax money. Those include taking down the gates. Are you sure you want to go down that path? This is not my decision. This is a property owner’s decision.
To those that want a statement that they would support the removal of the current CEO, that is not possible. There is a contract to contend with. Additionally, each board member has one vote, so the hook added by the previous board makes the task of removal nearly impossible. Obviously that was the intent. What we have is not working and I would support a change. That is one. Now go get me six others who would vote with me. I don’t believe Mr. Garrison does social media so I wouldn’t expect to hear from him. Some people are uncomfortable posting on a social platform so you may not hear from them either. Pretty sure you won’t hear from one of the candidates as their very involvement dictates where they stand in relation to most of the questions asked.
I will be at the Feb. 22 event and will be available via a breakout room to answer your questions. Additionally, I am available for other meet and greet opportunities to get to meet with and discuss the issues of the Village. I don’t sugar coat and attempt to answer every question placed before me.
01/19/2020 — 10:06 pm
Thank you Lloyd, we know what is important to you and we all stand with you.
Vicki Husted
01/21/2020 — 3:52 pm
I just signed the petition “Hot Spring Village Property Owners: Do not extend Nalley contract” am urging others who share this opinion to add their names.
Our goal is to reach 100 signatures and we need more support. You can read more and sign the petition here: