By Lloyd Sherman, December 3, 2020
One of the benefits of not being on the board anymore is that I can return to my role as a Property Owner Advocate once again. What does that mean to you? Well, it means that I can point out perspectives without being overridden by a majority vote of the board and where I am bound by the oath to support the majority.
My decision to become active again has not come easy, as a part of me says that as an ex-board member and Chair, I had my chance. And while many may agree with that perspective, the reality is I believe I can do more from out here than I could from within. So, be critical of me if you feel it necessary, but I will not be silenced at pointing out the obvious. Following yesterday’s Discussion Session, I cannot stay silent.
I first want to address a couple of issues that were part of the agenda of the Discussion Session of December 2, 2020:
- Elections (Items 4 & 5) – I realize that these are discussion sessions, but why was so much time spent on trying to decide who should contact those who won board seats? The very fact that for years we have been attempting to get staff out of the election process should have been the overriding discussion. These are board positions! Why would you even think staff should have any part of notifications or on who should be receiving the vote tallies. The fact that these discussions were even occurring is yet another indication the board leans towards abdicating responsibility back to staff.
- Assessments (Items 6 & 7) – Part of this discussion included outlining what the requirements are for putting a vote before the property owners. Who was this discussion directed to? Property owners or the board? The requirements are clearly laid out in the Declarations, so why the need to discuss? That then moved into a discussion about “the process” that needed to be followed to “earn” the support of the property owners. What I heard was that we needed to determine what this number is. We already pretty much know that. Does it need to be validated? Of course, it does, but is this where we start? NO, it is not. You start by developing a comprehensive revenue plan while conducting deep-dives into all operations and amenities to determine why they are losing money. The budgeting process this year had very little discussion about alternative revenue sources except for raising or reinstituting fee structures. Some work has been done to ensure operations are cognizant of expenses, but that is no substitute for deep dives into operations which has been met with nothing but resistance. This should be a board directed activity.
- Committees (Not on agenda) – Once again, the committee structure and activity were taken up. This was done earlier in the year and yet the same board member keeps bringing it back up as a problem. What is the problem? I have no idea! Committees are board committees and as such should be doing the work to prepare recommendations and advice to the board. It was stated the board doesn’t know what the committees are doing! Really? Why not? Most if not all Charters call for the committees to report quarterly to the board. Why is the board not requiring it? Doesn’t each committee have a board representative? Of course, they do. Silly question! Why are those board members not keeping the board informed? Then let’s discuss the little matter of minutes. All committees have minutes. The board is supposed to read those minutes before they vote and accept them each month.
So now, let’s get back to “The Process.” The Process, strategy, goals, and objectives are all the responsibility of The Board! How can you effectively develop a process or strategy when you don’t know all the ins and outs of the operations or amenities? Short answer; you can’t! You also can’t expect one person (in this case a new GM) to have all those answers. He is new to the Village and can only know what the same senior managers who were in place prior to his arrival are telling him. See any problem with that? I sure do! When consulting, I could take nothing at face value and had to perform a deep-dive into every area that had been identified as a potential problem. We seem to have a philosophy here that let’s do it the same way we have done it in the past and we will get a different result. Wrong! BTW – the only way you will get assurance is by effective utilization of your committees. They are comprised of primarily property owners who fund these operations. They serve on these committees in the hopes of understanding why things are being done and effecting changes where needed. Without effective use of committees, almost nothing will be accomplished and you can’t rely on board members to commit the time it will take to do it themselves. That is just reality. So, in the words that many of us have heard in the past; lead, follow, or get the hell out of my way! One of the problems we currently have is that when board members attempt to do this they are interfering in operations.
So, in the interest of deep-dives, let’s discuss a few of the things I was trying to pursue before I left the board:
- Marketing/Discovery Pkgs – First let me clarify that I support the Discovery Pkg program and the people involved in this process. What I don’t believe is that the program is as effective as it could be and requires a deep-dive. But along that line, let me tell you what I discovered in the short time I had to work on this project. The first thing to understand about marketing is that for every marketing dollar spent, you should expect a minimum of a $3.00 ROI (return on investment). So. let’s assume this function was costing us approximately $300,000 per year. Determining this is difficult as the previous administration kept moving things around from year to year to confuse the issue, but this number is close and most likely understated. Utilizing the minimum ROI this function should have returned $2,700,000 in its three years of operation. How much revenue did this function contribute over these three years? Exactly $65,120.00 and I have the proof to back these numbers up through October of 2020. As of this date, we had 235 Discovery Pkgs booked with 28 of those actually buying a property. Unfortunately, most of the conversions were one-in, one-out and generated no new revenue. This was submitted to the board and I will guarantee you nothing is being done with it.
- Golf – Although raised several times over the past couple of years, we still don’t have an answer on the number one amenity drain: Golf! Where has the golf committee been and what are they doing to fix this amenity. What actions has the board taken to ensure this is a high priority? Pretty much crickets. So, our current per round revenue is $28.81. Up $1.59 over 2019 with the addition of a $2.50 round surcharge? How and why? When I play a round of golf, I pay an average of $41. Why the disconnect between what should be our lowest rate (member rate) and what we are actually receiving? If we could figure out a way to get the average revenue per round to $36.46 per round, we would be breaking even. That is still less than the average member rate. This doesn’t seem like a huge hill to climb but you have to have the will to take it on. I think we know the answer to this, but we can’t get an answer to this simple question:
- POA employee rate discount at 50%?
- Super Senior discount at 50%?
- Annuals?
- Free golf? To who and why?
- Restaurants – What can I say about this? This isn’t our number one issue in the Village but the new GM seems to think it is. The board was willing to give him some time to prove it to them and he committed to reducing the subsidy by ½ by the end of 2021. Time will tell, but for my appetite, we are spending way too much time on this function and not enough on fixing the bigger ticket items. I was astounded and pretty much in shock when the new GM sent an announcement to the board indicating that he was immediately going to be extending to ALL POA employees the benefit of eating at any POA owned facility for 50% off. His announcement said he would be implementing this. I’m sorry, but that is wrong on so many levels. First, why do the property owners have to subsidize this function further as a benefit to employees? Maybe we aren’t paying our employees properly. If that is the case, fix it. Why would you suggest setting up yet another classification that might well end in less revenue and isn’t that a board decision? So that leads me into my next area that needs a deep dive.
- Employee Subsidization – For years I have heard we have an excellent employee benefits program. But when the above situation occurred, it made me start asking the question as to exactly what the employees get in terms of subsidization of amenities. I was told (and I never verified this) that they receive a 50% discount on all amenities. If so, are we tracking that, and what is that costing the property owners each and every year, and is that a program that should be continued when we are talking assessment increases? Well, I have the same question about any discounts to anyone for any reason. These discounts are leading to a situation where we know we need an assessment increase but should we be even considering this before we analyze and correct any of those that should be fixed?
I think that is enough although I could go on. So, “The Process” is exhaustive and will require an all-out effort and every committee we have should be charged to help in that process. I was accused of moving too fast and that I needed to slow down and back off. Sorry, I’m not put together that way. I see something that isn’t right, I want it fixed. I don’t want the can kicked down the road any further. Without a sense of urgency, very little gets done and I have grave concerns that that sense of urgency and fire in the belly does not exist. Diana had it and I have it and look where that got us. It is up to the property owners to demand these issues get resolved. Not by the next board, but by this one. We have moved back into a period where people are going along to get along and that is not the job of any board; especially one that is telling you they want more of your money!
* * *
Thank you for reading. Be sure to bookmark this website. Click here to visit the Hot Springs Village People Facebook Group.
Dan Munroe
12/03/2020 — 4:23 pm
Lloyd- We rightfully elected you to be one of our representatives. I don’t know the ins and outs of why Diana or you are not currently serving the terms for which you both were elected, but what I do know is this seemingly constant changing of our elected board members can, in no way, be beneficial to the betterment of our community. I only wish you would have stuck it out and Diana was still there with you. I believe you both have much to offer to our community …I only wish you both were still seated at the table!
Lloyd E Sherman
12/04/2020 — 7:12 am
Dan – I totally understand your position and there is a part of me that regrets the action I took. However, the situations that led to my decision happened over an extended period of time and were building to a point that was untenable for me. This was not an easy decision for me to make. I can try and explain my reasons, but most won’t understand why I did what I did. It was the right decision for me and I didn’t expect it to be taken well by those who supported my election. I will continue to point out areas of concern until the property owners tell me they don’t want my input anymore. Should that happen, I will fade into the background but I don’t believe that is in the best interest of the Village in the long-term.
Vicki Husted
12/03/2020 — 6:55 pm
I agree with Dan Munroe 100%.
12/04/2020 — 5:20 am
POA employees are so underpaid that they should all be allowed to eat for free at any of the POA restaurants. Half off is no big deal.
Lloyd E Sherman
12/04/2020 — 7:15 am
I understand your point, but what needs to happen is the compensation levels need to be fixed and we should ensure our employees are being paid fairly for the job functions they perform. That is how things should work in the real world.
The board was told that the new HR Manager was working on job descriptions and aligning those with proper compensation. However, if that is being done, the board was not being kept up to speed and items like that shouldn’t need the board asking for updates, any more than they should have to ask to be kept abreast of personnel adds/deletes and an accurate up-to-date organization chart.
12/04/2020 — 8:39 am
Sally – perhaps you should open your home and offer free lunch and dinner to all POA employees who want to drop by. Free nuts too. How about an open bar?
Hazel Ecyla
12/04/2020 — 4:57 pm
I totally agree with you chipmunk. What the heck ?? If they are an employee then they get paid according the their job description. I was employed in corporate America for 40 plus years & no one EVER OFFERED to pay for breakfast, lunch, or dinner let alone discounts for any other amenity. And yes, I have made a foolish mistake in the past & now the current year of a gracious contribution to the employee Christmas fund (duh ! !) I will not in the future, especially after learning about the discounts already offered the employees. I will not contribute monies to support this fund. I am a giver by nature, I would give the last shirt off my back to those in need & I do. But, this is absolute bulls***!!!! I will continue my contribution to people in need. If you have a job with POA you are earning your worth to the organization. But, I have witnessed more employee’s on a project than necessary. So, I say NO !!!!!!
Steve Bender
12/04/2020 — 4:52 pm
This is so wrong, that I can’t even believe that you said it. When I was still working, I did not expect my employer to feed me, I learned to take a lunch with me to work. Yes, we have good employees, but they have also made the decision to work here and have accepted the job at a certain rate of pay. The government makes sure that we are paying a living wage, thus this is a no brainer!
Erwin Hoeft
12/04/2020 — 12:07 pm
“It’s easy to criticize others when you’re sitting on the bleachers.” … Anthony Gucciardi
12/04/2020 — 12:38 pm
Erwin, is your bleacher seat hard?
Becky Babineaux
12/04/2020 — 2:49 pm
I also agree with Dan. We voted for you based on the “LTD” platform of working hard to fix problems. It seems to me it would serve the community better for you to have continued addressing those issues from inside the board. From there we could hear BOTH sides of the issue and form our own opinions. And you could have continued raising your objections to the ones who actually make the decisions and being a part of solutions to those issues.
Becky Babineaux
12/04/2020 — 6:36 pm
Actually, it is my observation that once elected on our board, due to our obtuse and ridiculous bylaws and policies, implemented by prior impotent and neutered boards, a board member loses the ability to speak out about, criticize or even demand and receive data and information about what actually goes on behind the “iron curtain” of the POA bureaucracy. So, raising objections and becoming part of the solution is virtually impossible. The problem is similar to what goes on in DC with our deep state bureaucracy whose main goal is to preserve their status quo and continue their personal gravy train. – all at our expense as citizens (property owners).
Lloyd E Sherman
12/05/2020 — 9:34 am
Actually, Becky, I could not as board chair. Yes, I could have stayed on the board and presented the other side, but to what purpose. To be constantly shut down by a vote of the others to support the GM doing the job the board should be doing? Nope! And when a board member leaked a private communication to only the voting measures and this board took no action, that was the final straw. As Popeye used to say “all I can stands, is all I can stands, and that’s all I can stand”.
Elmo Wiggins
12/05/2020 — 6:12 am
What is amazing to me is that all of the things addressed in this article are under the control of the POA Board. You don’t agree with GM or staff actions, THEY work for the board. The golf (or other committees) committee is not effective, it (they) work(s) for the board. All of the deficiencies expressed here, can be fixed by the board.
What is missing and has been missing is leadership! I recommend that Mr. Sherman and Ms. Podawiltz put on their “big boy (girl) pants”, ask for your positions to be re-instated with the board and go do what you promised in your election campaigns.
It’s too hard is not an excuse!
12/05/2020 — 8:31 am
Couldn’t have said it better myself. Lookout that’s two we’ve agreed on, Elmo!
Stop being ridiculous, chipmunk. The board owns the bylaws and policies. Think about how many the current board and last 8 boards have changed. The definition of dysfunctional is having the power to make the rules but not knowing how to work together and use them to accomplish your duties.
Lloyd E Sherman
12/05/2020 — 9:42 am
Diana nor I said it was too hard. We both put in countless hours battling the issues I am trying to point out with the functioning of our boards. Majority rules, so when you are in the minority, and your fellow board members are signaling a direction you cannot support and you no longer have support to do the right thing, what would you have done? Criticize of course! I’ve heard and seen the worst the village has to offer, so go ahead and criticize. That will solve nothing!
Elmo Wiggins
12/05/2020 — 10:18 am
Mr. Sherman – you were elected to be leaders. Leaders compromise, collaborate and negotiate to achieve the overall objective. Of course, no one will agree with every decision and every direction. If you are “in the minority”, form coalitions to find common ground and seek to build a majority. You chastise me (and others) for criticizing (“That will solve nothing”), yet you just spent several paragraphs criticizing everybody under the sun.
12/05/2020 — 11:01 am
Elmo, have the courage to post using your real name. Thank you. – Cheryl
Mary Ann Kennedy
12/05/2020 — 11:36 am
I agree, Cheryl, but what about “Chipmunk” and “Dave” and all the others who regularly comment anonymously or with a fake name? It’s your website – can you require it? If someone isn’t willing to take ownership of their words (IMO), they shouldn’t comment. Thank you.
12/05/2020 — 11:55 am
Yes, I agree with you. I wish people would post using their real names. You and I both use our real names. If you frequent many websites, you may have noticed it is common to post using a fake name. While it is one thing to anonymously post one’s personal opinion in a non-attacking way, it is quite another to be anonymous when attacking someone personally. While an attack can be an opinion, an opinion is not always a personal attack.
To clarify, this website technically belongs to my husband. He is the webmaster. – Cheryl
Mary Ann Kennedy
12/05/2020 — 4:50 pm
Point taken, although “Elmo’s” comments seem kind compared to others I’ve read. Thanks for the clarification – I hope Joe will consider requiring posts be made with a real name since this website is read primarily by locals. If that comes to be, perhaps comments will be more considerate….or maybe not.
12/05/2020 — 4:58 pm
Thank you, Mary Ann, for your concern for this website. I hope your holidays are wonderful! – Cheryl
Mary Ann Kennedy
12/05/2020 — 6:06 pm
And, I wish you and everyone wonderful holidays as well. I’m not “concerned” about the HSVP website – just responding to your message to “Elmo”.
Getting back to Lloyd’s post, which I didn’t intend to take off-topic. I do appreciate the insight of one who has had the experience of being in one of the board “hot seats”. A view from those seats is quite different than our seat on the sofa as we type out comments. All of the items outlined in Lloyd’s post should and could have been addressed in the early months when Lloyd and Diana were seated with a majority that agreed on everything brought to the table. Instead, most early board discussions centered around how meetings should be run, which by-laws should be changed, which committees should be disbanded, and many more changes that board believed to be top priority. There were also constant comments about the amount of time/work/email communication required to do the job they volunteered for, and how many invoices were being reviewed every day, because every paper clip had to be accounted for with the board’s “oversight”. Most of their immediate plans were executed – out with the old/in with the new.
It’s still early days with this new board and our highly qualified new GM. He’s not a “yes man”, and he hasn’t chosen to be in the spotlight with public appearances, but he’s respectful of whatever directions or requests he receives from the board. It’s too soon for another “revolution” – we can’t afford it.
Elmo Wiggins
12/06/2020 — 7:19 am
Ms Kennedy and Ms. Dowden – anonymous comments are very common and a part of U.S. history. Although, it is your website, and you have the right to insist on “real names” but you will damage the site, and this communication platform, as well as reduce its readership and value to HSV.
People post as “anonymous” for many reasons other than they don’t have the “guts” to use their real names. Ben Franklin comes to mind as he used anonymous names like “Silence Dogood”, “Polly Baker”, and “Richard Saunders” (Poor Richard’s Almanack) to write and publish opinions.
Those who choose to name their anonymous postings (Chipmunk, Mark, Keith and many others) simply allows them (and the reader) to differentiate their commentary from others who post anonymously. Can you imagine reading 5 consecutive comments from someone named “anonymous” all from 5 different people? This would be VERY confusing and hard for anyone to understand the points offered.
So, those offering to attach names to their anonymous opinions are doing you and this website a service. Unless, of course, you only want opinions of those who agree with you. Then, that is YOUR choice! Its a free country!
12/05/2020 — 6:44 pm
Nuts to all and to all a good night! Ho Ho Ho!
12/06/2020 — 4:06 am
How do the restaurant “owners” make a profit if they have to give half off to all employees? Does anyone care about them??????
This is insane!
12/06/2020 — 4:37 am
Mark, this half-off is in reference to POA-owned restaurants. POA-owned restaurants already do NOT make a profit, even before giving half-off to POA employees. – Cheryl
12/07/2020 — 8:18 am
If none of them make a profit how can they all stay in business??? We can’t subsidize these losing propositions for ever, can we??
And is the half off for everyone in their party? Family, friends, etc. or just for their meal??
and what about the booze situation mentioned…that seems insane if there are getting half off drinks, too, but what would stop them from doing so????
Something is rotten here….and it is very sad…but all these giveaways are insane. No one in their right mind runs a business this way.
No one.
Now I know why so many of the people I knew have moved away…they were smart enough to see that this place is doomed to a legacy of failed management. Doomed.
Doomed do you hear me??????
Steve Bender
12/08/2020 — 4:33 pm
I could not agree with you more!
Dick Paulson
12/06/2020 — 4:27 am
Speaking of assessments…how many will quit the library now that it costs double? How many will quit bocce when they find it is $189 per couple? I suspect enough that the net result of all these fee increases will be a loss of revenue.
Why are the people in charge so silly? Never took Econ 101? I guess not.
Talk to any resident of HSV and ask them if they are on board with these fees and they will tell you they are not.
No one likes to be nickel and dimed. No one. And $10 for a stilly sticker????
count me out.
Richard Milhouse
12/06/2020 — 7:48 am
Plus, if the POA is subsidizing the consumption of alcoholic beverages through this half price scheme, we are on the hook for any liability regarding any alcohol related situation.
How do we know we are not paying for their booze? This whole thing was done without any publicity. No coverage of it anywhere except here, which is only read by a very, very few from what I can tell.
This madness has to end. Why would you give away meals for half price at places that are losing money each and every day they are open????
12/07/2020 — 12:19 am
well nickel dime quarter dollar cable bill up 19.00 up up up never ends if every body just quit paying all these people wouldn”t have to worry about it
o oh by the way stickers $10.00 well they were free for two years or more
because of the gate disaster so we have to pay for that high priced tag
system that we lost money on that never should have been started in the first place at least gas has stayed at a good price
12/07/2020 — 8:47 am
Employees also use the fitness center facilities for free, while fees are increased for paying members. The word of the day is subsidize.
Mary Ann Kennedy
12/07/2020 — 10:26 am
“Elmo”, I don’t see false names as a “service” to anyone, except the one posting without their real name. Ol’ Ben was a public figure, with strong and often controversial opinions. Perhaps you are too. Unfortunately, many who use a nickname, post without a filter because they can’t be identified. If we all did that, civility would be difficult to harness. I agree that a nickname is preferable to “anonymous”, but it does take courage to post under a real name, especially if the person commenting doesn’t share the majority opinion. I would know – I could really cut loose if I didn’t have to take responsibility for my communication. I’ve done that, in anger or haste, and regretted it every time. If we don’t own our words (IMHO) they don’t deserve the regard of others. Oh, feel free to call me “Mary Ann” – it’s my real name.
Lloyd, once again, I apologize for responding off-topic. Of course, I think some of the insults hurled your way would sting less if those criticizing had to attach their real names to their message. I rarely see words of encouragement or kindness posted by “Anonymous”.
Elmo Wiggins
12/07/2020 — 3:36 pm
OK “Mary Ann” – you made my point. You said you could “really cut loose” if you did not use your real name. This means you are withholding opinions or input that may be valuable to the general discourse.
I agree there are some anonymous postings that are inappropriate and crude. However, there are also some that make good points and deserve debate. Without an anonymous feature to the postings, many (as you yourself have suggested) may not offer opinions, at all, and HSV might be missing potentially valuable information or ideas.
Ol Ben did not create names for his writings because he was a public figure. He had valuable insight he wanted to share but the ramifications from society, the King of England and local royal supported governors would have shut him down.
Approximately (50%) of the recent postings on this website are anonymously written. Maybe some are public figures, maybe some don’t want other negative repercussions that extend beyond this page or maybe they have other reasons for anonymous commentary. You seem to think you are courageous for using your “real name”, so my hat’s off to you!
Gene Garner
12/08/2020 — 10:04 am
“Ol’ Ben” used a pen name because he didn’t want to go to prison, a wise decision in my mind. But he wasn’t shy about letting people know his identity once we were independent of England. Other “Founding Fathers” had the same problem.
Public figures should use their real names, they owe it to their followers/fans to leverage their fame and give an insight to how they think. A tweet from Donald Trump has lot more impact than one from “NY Donny”.
It’s possible to post your opinion under your real name but it takes a little more thought and effort. It’s like using profanity when talking ” Profanity is often seen as a sign that the speaker lacks vocabulary, cannot express themselves in a less offensive way, or even lacks intelligence…” If you listen to people that are generally admired for their talks, speeches or conversations, you’ll seldom hear profanity. Dr Fauchi or Colin Powell are good examples.
The same is true when we post an opinion on this website or in a “letter to the editor”. It’s easy to be “snarky” or give out a “zinger” & put them in their place, if our neighbors don’t know it’s us making the comment. But often it just turns people off and weakens our case.—Gene
Elmo Wiggins
12/08/2020 — 10:58 am
Ol Ben used pen names (pseudonyms) for many reasons. Yes, he did not want to go to prison or worse . However, some of his pen names like “Silence Dogood” were used for reasons that helped him get published because he couldn’t otherwise. Look it up, I’m not here to give you a history lesson. Ben created these alter egos because he felt he had something to share that would have been diluted if he used his real name.
The rest of your comments are your opinion, also, which you have a right to. But don’t assume your opinions are necessarily compatible with everyone else’s regarding the use of anonymous postings on this website. Some will agree and some will not.
You also assume that because you do not recognize a name or someone only uses their first name that they are somehow being inauthentic (again only your opinion). Some of the anonymous voices may be employees of the POA, past board members, renters, businesspeople/contractors, your next door neighbor and others who don’t want the highly opinionated to be picketing at their front door!
Your reference to “profanity” confuses me as I have not used profanity!
Gene Garner
12/09/2020 — 4:14 pm
I likened it to profanity because it appears most people who post anonymously won’t observe the usual social norms and really don’t care about other people.—Gene
Richard hollis
12/08/2020 — 9:34 am
I work for the POA for 20 years I love my job I worked at Cortez golf course for the police department until greater minds of mine decided we could contract the gates to a private company and save money that was BS because the police chief couldn’t schedule people to work at the front gate that’s all it was Laziness on his part so we spent a bundle of money contracting the gate then we decided to try a new system that didn’t work out because we didn’t investigate how that would work at Hot Springs Village the contractor told us he would stall the hardest hardware but he didn’t have an interface computer system that would work we said we will make it work it only cost us one forty five thousand dollars to see that it didn’t work , we did this our computer system and interfacing with accounting and golf departments it didn’t work now a few comments of how we can market this golf course you have a great possibility right now but nobody’s even looking at it you have the big casinos downtown who are building hotel accommodations why are we not looking at establishing golf packages with the casino saying OK will have a package for $400 you pay us half of that and will allow them to use our golf courses you pick up whatever they make in the casino and using their hotel. now back to the half priced These employees have built the amenities that are now being used by this high people moving here and wanting to raise assessments I for one have been for 20 years I paid for these golf courses I paid for these amenities now these people are selling these big homes in California and elsewhere and moving here and consuming what I worked and paid for for I think it only that they pay a catch-up fee to make up for them we’ve built here you don’t go to a country club without paying a fee to belong why shouldn’t they pay a fee here, and yes my name is RIchard Hollis, I worked at Cortez for 20 years and loved every minute of it until the new regime wanted to take all my benefits away and still pay me $11 an hour thanks for listening I hope maybe this will open some eyes but I doubt it very seriously because we make the same mistakes every time have a great day
Elizabeth H Berry
12/10/2020 — 9:19 pm
How the heck is anything accomplished with the way people go off on their own trolleys and disregard the subject of this article.
I for one, believe that Mr Sherman had extremely valid reasons for leaving the board. I also believe he will be extremely helpful in bringing about the changes in the running of the village that we voted for. Just stop throwing darts. If you think you have answers, then run for the board. I wish I was 20 years younger and had less physical problems, so I could be a member of the board. I have lived here almost 19 years and the changes that have taken place make me so sad. The increase in crime and vandalism, along with traffic and speeding is stressful. When we moved here the village was a “retirement community”. That is no longer the case.
Don’t judge Mr. Sherman so harshly, he may be the one friend we need to see the changes for the betterment of life in the village.
Raymond Godfrey Lehman
12/17/2020 — 4:55 pm
Lloyd, I resigned as the Chair of the Marketing Committee because the Board stripped the Committees of their oversight power over the POA departments. The Marketing Department Charter states to this very day “The purpose of the Marketing Committee is to assist and advise the HSVPOA Marketing
Department in all aspects of internal and external marketing of the Village inclusive of the various amenities both current and future with the goal to increase revenue and ensure we both protect and enhance the reputation and recognition of Hot Springs Village. If for any reason, now or in the future, the Board wishes to cease and rescind this Standing Board Committee, the committee shall remain intact and fall back under the Finance &Planning Committee as a subcommittee thereof. ”
And then came the “Clarification Letter” sent to all Committee Chairs which in effect said we needed to get permission from the GM before contacting POA employees. Why would any volunteer leader want to head a Committee that had just been neutered. In my address to the Board, along with 7 other Committee Chairs, I asked the letter be rescinded. That request was denied. It appeared in your denial that you were a supporter of giving the GM more responsibility so I am both surprised and heartened to hear you oppose that.
There are 5 Board seats up for election. Can we, you and I, find 3 more Property Owners to run? People who understand the hierarchy at Hot Springs Village resembles this. 1) Property Owners 2) BOD 3) Committee Chairs 4) Committee Members, 5) POA Staff including the GM 6) POA employees.
Ray Lehman