HSVPOA F & P Committee 3-28-22
Finance and Planning Committee discusses options to achieve a higher return on Emergency Reserve Fund investment; 2023 budget guidance from…
Finance and Planning Committee discusses options to achieve a higher return on Emergency Reserve Fund investment; 2023 budget guidance from…
At the March F & P Committee meeting, Hale discusses elimination of the Assistant GM position and repurposing that salary;…
On January 26, 2022, the Chair of the Finance and Planning Committee gave the committee’s quarterly report to the Hot…
At the July 7, 2021 Board Discussion Session, Interim GM Discussed the Board Vote (June 16, 2021) on Balboa Club…
The Finance and Planning Committee met at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 21, 2020 at the Ouachita Room at Ponce…