(Thank you to Keith Keck, Saline County Justice of the Peace, for providing this update from Judge Arey.)

To Saline County Residents:

Attached [below] are the numbers for Saline County as of last night.  Currently, we have 33 confirmed cases of COVID-19, which is up 4 from the previous day.  Yesterday the Governor announced that the remainder of the school year would be closed to in-school instruction, but online instruction would continue. For those that did not have the opportunity to see the Governor’s Press Conference,  I have attached [below] a summary of the Governor’s Press Conference to this email that was provided by Steven Wright with Sen. Cotton’s Office. 

Governor Hutchinson is working with each community 

I would like to commend the Governor and his staff for the job that they have done in response to this pandemic.  Yesterday morning Governor Hutchinson held a conference call with all the Mayors and County Judges in the entire state.  This was a very important call for many reasons.  The first being that some important unanswered questions by city and county officials were answered, but second and most important was that a procedure was set on how Mayors and County Judges can communicate with the Governor and his team to make sure we are working together in our response.  All of our communities are not the same, so while what could be an issue in one community may not be in another, the Governor recognizes and understands that and voiced his willingness to work with each community and asked us to do the same with his office.   I have heard that some Governors in other states are having no communication with local officials, so I feel fortunate and appreciative of the Governor and the efforts he is making. 

Thank you to the local Chambers of Commerce

I want to also thank our local Chambers of Commerce.  Early on I asked them to help communicate information that I might get from the state and federal level out to the business community.  The Chambers have done that and more and I would like to say Thank You to Gary James and Jason Brown and their staff at the Benton and Bryant Chamber.  

Medical jobs open

We received communication from the Arkansas Department of Human Services that medical personnel is being hired at several of its locations.  With so many being furloughed or downsized at this time, we thought it would be beneficial to provide this information to you. The Chambers pushed this out to the public yesterday, but I thought I would include it in this email as well.  
The jobs include:

(RN Statewide) Click here to view the details.

RN-State Hospital- LR Click here to view the details.

Residential Care Assistants Click here to view the details.

Behavioral Health Aide (State Hospital-LR) Click here to view the details.

Certified Nursing Assistant Click here to view the details.

Thanks, Everyone!  Stay Safe and remember no more than 10, keep 6 feet apart, wash your hands!  And try wearing a mask in public places, I know it’s weird but have fun with it!

Jeff Arey

Saline County Judge

200 North Main Street, Suite 117

Benton, Arkansas 72015501-303-5640


4.6.20 Saline Co. COVID-19 Spreadsheet



Summary of Governor Hutchinson’s Press Conference (4.6.20)



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