January – April 2019 to 2018 Property Activity Comparison in Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Written by Lloyd Sherman, May 1, 2019
VILLAGE PROPERTY ACTIVITY – Attached is my monthly spreadsheet showing real estate activity for the first four months of 2019 compared to the first four months of 2018. Please keep in mind that average selling prices will vary based on more or less expensive home sales. Nothing appears alarming as overall units sold are tracking with the 2018 activity. For those interested in how Village Homes and Land is performing, you will note they sold two homes during these periods for both 2018 and 2019. In terms of revenue, the brokerage would have received $14,047 in 2018 and $17,213 in 2019. They sold no lots in 2019 from the MLS inventory of over 400 lots. Builders buying lots through the POA can hardly be attributed to any efforts made by Village Homes and Land.
With a straight line projection of results thus far, Village Homes and Land would generate less than $70,000 a year in revenues against who knows what kind of a cost due to the lack of detailed accounting at that level. Always happy to answer any questions.
05/06/2019 — 7:35 am
How do the brokers and agents of Village Homes and Land make a living with such dismal numbers?
05/06/2019 — 7:41 am
The brokers and agents of Village Homes and Land are not paid on commission, like most realtors. Their salaries come directly from the Property Owners’ monthly assessment fees.
Kirk Denger
05/07/2019 — 10:44 pm
Fire the CEO and allow CCI to institute a forensic audit for the last 5 years. The burden of receiving any benefits will be hers. Nominate Lloyd Sherman as interim CEO of HSV POA. Let’s get this over with.