Peter Kirk Denger
Raise property values, not assessments, fees and restrictions. We should not have to choose to leave our homes and property because of doubling assessments and skyrocketing fees to offset administrative frivolous spending. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, which is the loss of thousands of property owners and their respect. As your Director, I work to control spending and balance our assessment structure to reduce assessments for two thirds of property owners and give all property owners the opportunity pay our fair share, creating a sustainable economic backbone for the POA.
Hello, my name is Kirk Denger. I bought my first HSV lot in 1979. After graduating High School, I worked in the home building industry, joining the local carpenters union. I built my home in HSV and as a home builder, have been serving HSV for 40 years. With Your vote, I volunteer to again represent You, fellow HSV Property Owners, including those of us who have fixed incomes consisting mainly of our Social Security. The POA’s purpose is to serve Property Owners and maintain our natural common properties, amenities and infrastructure.
We changed POA Governance when Y’all elected me in 2020, which is a testament of the resiliency of our Declaration. Together we have rebounded. I stand with Property Owners as your representative, open-minded, supporting complete transparency, freedom of information and welcoming Property Owners wishing to collaborate. I support streamlining top heavy management, marketing with proven returns on investment and conservative needs spending. Major expenditures and each restriction of our property rights shall be executed by the Property Owner’s vote.
Continuously raising assessments for Property Owners, who can afford it least, caused over 11,000 Property Owners to abandon their property, a $5mil continuous annual loss. The solution to financing our Village is keeping neighborly Property Owners in the first place, not by wasting millions on marketing to find replacement Property Owners. Affordable property and home ownership has always been the Hallmark of HSV and should continue to be our top priority.
Protecting property value is our goal. Assessments based on property value is the best solution. All the appraisals are already done by the county assessor’s office. Look at your county property tax statement; is your assessment quadruple your real property taxes? Your assessment should be about the same or less than your tax because both protect your individual property value. Revenue for HSV POA can again have a secure base, when working families can afford HSV real property.
I am campaigning to guide the direction of the POA and embrace the heritage of HSV which created the prosperity we have always enjoyed. Self-Sufficient, HSV is the natural premier active lifestyle community with mild climate and quality of life that everyone wants to live. On our 50th Anniversary, HSV Property Owners reset the course of the vision so many of us invested to be part of and that will continue positive returns and happiness for future generations.

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If you have any questions, Kirk can be reached by email at
Thank you for reading. Be sure to bookmark this website. Click here to visit the Hot Springs Village People Facebook Group.
January 15, 2021
01/16/2021 — 1:09 pm
Great pic Kirk! It really represents your deep devotion and love of HSV. I appreciate your open support of transparency and your respect for the heritage of the Village.
I know you don’t speak a lot at the board meetings we can see, but when you do, it comes from a very common sense point of view and your desire to protect the Village and the Property Owners’ interests. Thank you!
Minn Daly
01/18/2021 — 11:27 am
Kirk, you have my vote! Minn Daly
01/18/2021 — 4:32 pm
Can someone explain what Kirk means when he says our assessments should be based on property assessment.
Property tax= $3,000
What would the assessment be for the property owner in this example? Is it $3,000? I don’t understand what Kirk is saying.
Sam Taylor
01/18/2021 — 6:48 pm
I think I interpret what Kirk propounds is that the assessment should be very much like a property tax on one’s home in a city. Your assessment should be tied to the value of your house and property it sits on. The rate of tax suggested has not been stated in any information that I have seen from Kirk.
Kirk Denger
01/18/2021 — 8:28 pm
Multiply the value of your property by .5%. That is your annual assessment.
The value of your property is stated as 1/5 of the total value on your county tax document. Multiply that figure by 5 then multiply that by .5%.
01/18/2021 — 10:26 pm
How do you propose the POA will keep up with the change to a property’s evaluation. I spoke a few years ago to both Assessors and learned this would be very time consuming. Would we need to hire someone on the POA staff full-time to keep up with the changes because the counties won’t do it for us? How much would that cost? Jeanette
Kirk Denger
01/20/2021 — 8:33 pm
Reappraisals are consuming for the counties, luckily they share the results with the public. The volunteer assessment committee should be able to keep up with current changes once they are made by the counties.
01/21/2021 — 6:03 pm
Reappraisal of properties can occur at any time anyone disputes their assessment or a property is sold. Someone would have to be watching for these individual changes. According to the County Assessors I spoke to it would be very time consuming to keep up with all the changes incurred. The Village could end up in a serious situation if a change in property evaluation is missed. Jeanette
Kirk Denger
01/21/2021 — 8:51 pm
Thank you for your interesting replies Jeanette, how much change per individual appraisal did the assessors you spoke with confirm? Each additional $10,000 change would amount to an additional $50 per year in Assessments. It could end up in a seriously favorable situation for the Village, as property values appreciate because of financial stability and that creates demand. When all property values within the Village increase, each Property Owner benefits proportionately. Personally, I would be happy to pay an additional $50 per year for an additional $10,000 value to my property investment. Your relationships with the County Assessors would be a tremendous asset to the Future Assessment Committee.
Tom Blakeman
01/29/2021 — 7:50 am
A single employee with a computer should be able to keep up with things. And I don’t mean some six figure manager either. As to the counties cooperating or helping we first need to actually want to do this and then pursue the counties. That hasn’t been done. Given how much they collect from us we should be able to get their cooperation.
The only possible fly in the ointment I see is that property values not only go up with time, they also can go down – just like in the 2008 recession period. Some type floor would need to be established to prevent POA from going broke due the next big reset in values.
Kirk Denger
01/30/2021 — 11:03 pm
Thank you for your support of HSV Tom Blakeman, If a single employee could keep up with things, then a single volunteer could also. Since it is the only possible fly in the ointment, please research how many properties were reduced in value by the county tax assessors in 2008, especially in comparison to the increases of all the other years. You are one of the first to seriously consider and understand the sustainable advantages of property value based assessments and are one of the greatest assets of HSV.
Hazel Dillehay
02/03/2021 — 7:17 pm
Thank you for your time, and response to the comments. I’ve know you for a long time, and know that you are an honest, hard working person with a great family. You will also, have my vote Kirk.
Kirk Denger
02/03/2021 — 9:55 pm
Thank you Hazel, for your dedicated service as a front-line nurse healthcare worker teamed with all health workers and first responders. You have all of our support, respect and admiration for you and your family.