Email from J. P. Keith Keck

All…here is Saline County Judge Jeff Arey’s April 20 update.

Highlights: Saline County experienced a slight rise in confirmed cases over the weekend.  Also, Judge Arey talks about Saline Memorial Hospital’s concerns over people waiting too long before coming to the hospital for non-COVID medical treatment.


Keith Keck

Justice of the Peace

Saline County Quorum Court 

Email from Judge Jeff Arey

To All Saline County Residents, 

The total Saline County positives cases as of this morning on the ADH COVID-19 link show positives have risen to 44, which is up 7 from Friday.  We also have 23 recoveries which are up 7 from 16 on Friday so that is good news. 
Within the same week that a positive case was first discovered in Arkansas, Saline Memorial Officials held a meeting with Community Leaders and First Responders.  Since that time SMH has hosted a weekly Community Leader Update conference call to share information, answer questions and keep communication open between decision-makers.
Over the last couple of weeks, they have shared with us that so far they have only treated a handful of positive COVID-19 patients and not experienced any surge.  What they have experienced are many people who would normally seek medical attention at the hospital not doing so because of fear of being exposed to the virus.  In many of these cases, the patient is waiting until they are in critical condition before choosing to seek help.  We need to encourage people to seek medical attention if they have an emergency or other health problems.  Saline Memorial has put into place many procedures and protocols to keep patients and health care workers as safe as possible.  I very much appreciate all of Saline County Healthcare Workers and Officials for all they are doing! 

Stay Safe, and remember no more than 10, stay 6 feet apart, wear a mask and wash your hands!

Jeff Arey

Saline County Judge

200 North Main Street,

Suite 117


Arkansas 72015



4-20-20 Saline Co. COVID-19 Spreadsheet Data



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