Lloyd Sherman, July 22, 2019
Where would you go?

So I too was asked to write a positive article on Hot Springs Village. It’s sometimes difficult to do when on an increasing basis I hear property owners asking if it’s time to list their homes and get out of HSV while the getting is good. While this is a personal issue, I generally ask why do you want to do that? Most times it has to do with the level of dissatisfaction with the politics and the negativity for those who are not happy with the direction the POA is headed. When I ask them where would they go, they have no idea and why is that?
There is no place better than Hot Springs Village
So, I try to put myself in their shoes and ask what would I do if I wanted to leave and guess what. I have no idea. I’ve had the opportunity to live in several states during my life, but I can genuinely say that I have never enjoyed those places any more than I do the Village.
Where else can you find a hidden gem like this?
If you are active and like to participate in amenities, how many other places can compare to what we have here? If you are into water, we have 11 lakes to choose from. Like community activities? We have over 200 clubs here and you can stay as involved as you want. Where else can you get the feeling you live in a natural forest and actually do? How much better does it get driving from one neighborhood to another and see the beauty that surrounds you? This is a tax-friendly state especially for the retired. Low cost of living! Lack of congestion! Peaceful and tranquil! Real estate prices are good and contrary to what I’ve heard some people say, our values are not going down. I could go on, but I think you get the point.
Let’s stick it out and do our part
For those who have ever lived in an HOA/POA environment, there will inherently be disagreements with those who are charged with running the association. Hot Springs Village is no different. We do have issues that need to be addressed but instead of considering bailing and hoping you find another place where the grass is greener, let’s stick it out and do our part to make it better.
Leaving is not the answer
My wife Linda and I love living in Hot Springs Village. Sure, we get frustrated with the politically charged environment, but then we look at all the good the Village has to offer and say what were we thinking? And we have found wonderful people to enjoy and spend time with.
So no, it’s not we’re outta here! It’s we’re going to stay here and enjoy everything this community has to offer.
by Lloyd Sherman
Formatted by Cheryl Dowden
07/22/2019 — 9:14 am
Great article Lloyd. Appreciate the positive. BTW, good seeing you the other night at ElJimador, hope our group wasn’t too rowdy. Lol
07/22/2019 — 9:28 am
Couldn’t agree more. We love it here. Staying no matter what. Thanks for writing.
07/22/2019 — 9:45 am
It is still a great place to live
This is life. Struggling to keep a group or person to “have their way”.
They have this problem of thinking that they “know best for everyone”.
Kim Jurgens
07/22/2019 — 10:55 am
My husband and I are planning to move there in 2021 despite the negativity and so excited!!
Frank Shears aka Bubba
07/22/2019 — 11:53 am
Lloyd, after reading your article here I have to respond. You are exactly right!
– Where else would we go? –
Before deciding to move here we searched at length and found none better than the Village. We bought a lot in 2008 and began our last big adventure to build the retirement home. Then the price of construction went up from below $100 per square foot to over $150 in just a few short years. So our plan changed and we purchased a home in July, 2015 and moved here in January 2016. All the amenities, activities, clubs and great neighbors have convinced me we are in the right place and we will stay here.
– There IS NO BETTER place than Hot Springs Village. –
We lived in 13 other areas over the past 45 years (including Bella Vista) and then we found the Village.
-Where else can you find a hidden gem like this?-
Bella Vista came close but it is lacking when compared with the Village. All the other retirement communities had issues that put the Village ahead of the rest.
-Lets stick it out and do our part.-
Every retirement community we investigated had some problems with their governing authority and unhappy members not in line with the direction their communities were heading. If we do our part and work together to get the right people elected to our POA Board of Directors we will get the Village back on track.
-Leaving is NOT the answer.-
We love this Village and will do everything we can to make it even better. Yes, we currently have a politically charged environment here but we can work through it to help the Village remain the heaven on earth we all discovered when we moved here. It’s amazing how deep our roots have grown here in just the 3 short years we have lived here. This place is magic!
Lloyd, thank you for this refreshing article. You make my family and many others proud to belong here!
Monica Impellizzeri
07/22/2019 — 12:56 pm
I totally agree! We spent several years looking for a retirement location. We picked Arkansas for it’s beauty and it’s great location to our kids and grandkids. We were not crazy about a gated community until we came and spent a long weekend here. We fell in love with the Village.
In the politically charged atmosphere that we have now we ask ourselves where would we go?
The short answer is always no where. We have it all here!
We will stay and fight for the Village we have grown to love .
George Sorrell
07/22/2019 — 2:36 pm
This article really lifted my spirits. We love it here also and we’ve already researched the financial aspect of moving to a suburb of Little Rock. Why there? To be closer to kids, grand kids and great grand kids. Also, closer to family support as passing years continue their relentless assault on our old bodies.
But our house would cost half again (or more) as much in Little Rock. Alternatively, imagine renting a house of similar size at 2-3 times what our small mortgage costs and then expect rents to go up.
I do expect our dues to continue its upward trend. I see no alternative. Everything is going up which is rough on fixed incomes. However, it discourages me to think our increased dues are a result of reckless spending. We’ve got to stop the bleeding and insure our resources go toward supporting a gated community that will attract many more boomers like many of here already.
Lloyd Sherman
07/23/2019 — 9:33 am
Thank all of you who have responded to this article. Don’t misunderstand. I do love living here but my commitment is to do what I can to improve our politically charged environment. I am a property owner advocate and believe it is us that should be deciding what our Village looks like and not a band of people hell-bent on making it something it can’t be. So let’s all enjoy the beauty and good parts of what makes the Village unique and work together for the change we want. Many hands make light work!
Monty Brodt
07/25/2019 — 10:13 am
Nice article! We live in an awesome community.
Diana Podawiltz
07/29/2019 — 8:25 pm
I appreciate this article and all of the positive comments. We’re living wonderful lifestyles in our “Heaven on Earth”. We have so many opportunities to enjoy now that we’ve been blessed with time to pursue our interests. We have so many loving, caring people to spend time with. We’re surrounded by natural beauty, live in a state with a budget surplus, have a fairly decent climate (sometimes a little too hot, sometimes a little too cold, or too rainy but overall suits me).
Thanks be to God for putting my retirement life in Hot Springs Village, AR.
james walker
11/12/2019 — 10:45 pm
Thinking of coming ot check it out. Seen the court filing that’s a big concern. If this person is not following the members voting that’s scary stuff.