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HSVPOA v. PCBS Lawsuit- Part 1

By Karen Daigle Lundberg, April 27, 2020

HSVPOA v. PCBS- Another HSVPOA lawsuit

There have been many posts on private Facebook groups and other social media sites. Not surprisingly, the pot is being stirred by the same small group of people who believe they know the facts, however, they are posting inaccurate information.  It is time to expose the CEO regarding another lawsuit against HSV that she has attempted to hide.

For those who would like to review the court records, I direct you to Docket No. 63CV-19-292, in the court records of Saline County, a Complaint titled, Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association v PCBS, L.L.C., filed on March 25, 2019. For those of you who cannot pull up the court record, in a second article, you will find my summarization of the case which has been going on since March 25, 2019. This case was filed by one of the many POA’s former attorneys, Alex Gray, who was terminated from representation and on September 23, 2019, Christopher McNulty replaced Alex Gray.

As you read about this case, I think you will understand why the CEO has kept this lawsuit “hidden,” however, it is relevant to HSV POA business and property owners. Our new Board of Directors has a mess to clean up which was caused by former BOD’s, the current CEO and several law firms employed by HSV POA. This is an appropriate time to request from the CEO an explanation of this lawsuit and the total amount of funds paid out to date for this lawsuit.

Engaging Rose Law Firm is Wise Decison  

The Board of Directors engaging Rose Law Firm is a wise decision. Having several different law firms can be cumbersome and at times detrimental to handling legal issues for HSV POA. The Rose Law Firm is highly regarded in the State of Arkansas with many talented attorneys in multiple specialties.  

Current Board Acts with Transparency

The current Board of Directors has acted with transparency and been diligent to not break any rules of confidentiality. During the BOD meeting on April 20, 2020 the BOD made every effort to be transparent and at the same time making certain confidentiality was maintained. It is reasonable to give the new Board of Directors the time to perform their fiduciary responsibilities to HSV property owners. There are legalities that cannot be disclosed which is not the fault of the BOD – this causes the process to move slower at times. We must trust that the Board of Directors will disclose all information regarding HSV POA when it is legally possible. I have complete confidence and trust in the Board of Directors and ask that my fellow HSV property owners allow them the time to perform their duties. 

Now is the time to support our Board Directors

Now is the time to support the Board of Directors in their work to make Hot Springs Village the shining star that it once was.  

By Karen Daigle Lundberg, April 27, 2020

Click here to read Part 2 – HSVPOA v. PCBS


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