Whether you support a monthly assessment increase, are against, or still sitting on the fence, you will not want to miss this very important public forum. It is your future (and your pocketbook) that will be affected. Who will join me?
Who: Future Revenue Analysis Task Force (FRATF)
What: Village Forum
When: June 3, 2021 at 3:00 to 4:30 p.m.
Where: Coronado Community Center, 150 Ponderosa Ln, Hot Springs Village, AR 71909
Why: To see a presentation outlining the deep extent of FRATF’s data gathering and its analysis process, leading to a summary of the results in terms of projected revenues and expenses. Various options being explored for building revenue will also be discussed. There will be a question and answer period.
The Village Voice will live-stream the meeting on the Facebook page. Click here to visit the Village Voice’s Facebook page.
Questions for the task force may also be sent to yourvoice@hsvpoa.org.
Hope to see y’all there!
Please comment below to let us know how you feel about an assessment increase
The following memo is a corrected version from FRATF.

Report by Cheryl Dowden, May 22, 2021
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Thank you for reading. If you like, please comment below. We love to hear your opinion, but comments must be made using your first and last real name, or they will not be accepted. If you would like to submit an article for publication, please contact us through this website. Be sure to bookmark this website. Click here to visit the Hot Springs Village People Facebook Group, also known as POG (Property Owners’ Group)
Terri Denison
05/22/2021 — 12:48 pm
Would love to see the POA take advantage of all of the fallen trees by selling firewood, mulch and possibly lumber.
Gene Garner
05/22/2021 — 2:01 pm
Did the first two-tier assessment increase have any lasting, positive effect on our financial situation? Or was most of the new money spent on unrealistic favorite projects, pie-in-the-sky ideas and hare brained schemes?
The BOD’s track record reads like they’ve never handled large sums of money and have no idea how the real business world operates. I would hate to see their household budgets.
If we give the BOD more money they will just think of more wasteful ways to spend it. It’s like giving heroin to an addict, we’re only enabling their destructive behavior. There’s no reason for the Board to economize — they know they can get all the money they want by convincing the non-resident Property Owners to raise the annual assessments of the resident Owners. And here I naively thought the BOD had a fiduciary responsibility to all the Property Owners.
The two-tier vote will require a majority of the A and B members (CCI is the B member) to agree. If we Property Owners and CCI vote for another increase, get ready for the next one because this merry-go-round will never stop spinning.—Gene
V. Louise Henderson
05/22/2021 — 2:58 pm
June 3, 2021 is not on Tuesday as stated in the cute invitation this page. However, the print above (from Cheryl, I presume) says the Task Force meeting is on June 3, 2021 but does not give the day. June 3, 2021 is on Thursday – not Tuesday. The Village Digest also has mistakes – June 2, 2021 – Tuesday – also says June 3rd is on Tuesday!!! Which is correct for the FRATF Village Forum???
05/22/2021 — 3:20 pm
Thank you. Louise. I see the error in the pdf. This was published by the Village in the Digest and I uploaded it. Hopefully, we can get this bit of confusion straightened out. I really appreciate you bringing this to my attention. Edited to add: I thought I could get a quick answer by contacting a task force member, but he was unwilling to help clear this up for the community. We will have to wait and see what they publish and I will make the correction at that time.
05/22/2021 — 6:15 pm
Thanks again, Louise. The task force has corrected its error.
05/23/2021 — 11:03 am
Gene Garner your reply was very well stated and is absolutely the truth. The recent trash truck/garbage can fiasco is another perfect example of the BOD not being able to handle large sums of property owner money. If lot owners vote in a general assessment increase on the backs of homeowners you can bet it will be squandered just like the 2 tier increase was.
V. Louise Henderson
05/23/2021 — 11:23 am
Thank you, Cheryl, for your quick response to my email. Wish everyone at the POA and Board of Directors were as conscientious as you are. We now have the correct day, date, and time for the very important FRATF Forum! Keep up your greatly needed work!
05/23/2021 — 2:56 pm
My pleasure, Louise. 🙂
Sue Posner
06/02/2021 — 11:17 am
FRATF a revenue seeking committee? Uh HSV is a non profit so why the oxymoron? Scam!