The Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Board of Directors had its first Regular Board Meeting of 2022 on Wednesday, January 26. This meeting was originally scheduled for January 19. The main purpose of this article is to provide one place where the topics of the meeting are linked. Please see the article links below.

Sitting at the meeting table or present via Zoom:

Board Members: JoAnne (Joanie) Corry, Chair; Tucker Omohundro, Vice-chair; Chris Jones; Gary Belair; Pamela (Pam) Avila

Staff: John Paul, Interim General Manager, and Corporate Secretary; Coreena Fetterhoff, Corporate Treasurer and Controller (Zoom); Katrina Heap, Administrative Assistant to the GM (Zoom) and Paul Sage, Marketing Manager

Absent from the meeting:

Board Member, Robert (Bob) McLeod

Other staff present:

Jason Temple, Director of Public Services; Todd Noles, Common Property, Forestry, and Wildlife Manager; Chris Boutzale, Superintendent of Water and Wastewater

Agenda for HSVPOA January 26, 2022 Board Meeting


Chair Joanie Corry introduced the new General Manager, Kelly Hale. His first official day is Tuesday, February 1, 2022. Corry said, “I believe they have worked out a very smooth transition from John Paul to Kelly. John Paul will be around to answer questions and we thank him for that.”

Ratification of Board Email Vote on January 4, 2022 – Fee Schedule Correction

This vote was taken to amend the cost of new construction inspections to $480. This motion was made by Omohundro and Chris Jones seconded the motion. Corry said, “what happened was that HSVPOA staff noted the schedule as originally presented and approved” for residential inspection was incorrect. The total of $480 encompasses all required home inspections for the development of new residential homes.

Click here to read Interim General Manager, John Paul’s report.

Click here to read “Temple Gives Sanitation Service Update”.

Click here to read “HSVPOA Board Passes Sanitation Policy Revisions”.

Click here to read about the Board passing a motion for a Grounds Maintenance Provider Service Contract.

Revision to ACC Charter

The Board Passed a motion for an Amendment to the ACC Charter. Click here to read the discussion of this item (January 5, 2022, Discussion Session). This motion was presented by Vice-chair Omohundro, seconded by Director Chris Jones, and passed unanimously.)


Revisions to the General Manager Performance Evaluation Policy

Click here to read about the discussion of this by the Board at the January 5, 2022 Board Discussion Session. Omohundro presented the motion, Chris Jones seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Click here to read the article on the Proposal to Approve Purchase of Water Meters.

Click here to go to the Finance and Planning Committee Report by Larry Siener.

Click here to go to the Parks & Recreation Committee Quarterly Report by Debra Fuller.

Click here to go to “Noles Discusses Timber Thinning in Hot Springs Village”.

Click here to read “HSVPOA Passes Motion to Purchase Cortez Lift Station Pumps”.

HSVPOA December Public Services Report included in January 26, 2022 Board Packet


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Preliminary Financial Report by Coreena Fetterhoff, Controller, and Corporate Treasurer


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Financial Highlights PowerPoint Presentation


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Dashboard for Infrastructure

The POA has developed a public services dashboard so that Property Owners can see where the new assessment dollars are being spent. The categories are Street Preservation Program, Crack Sealing, Striping and Marking, and Culvert Repair. There will be detail on all the projects and the costs associated with each one in our public service report to give you the breakdown of that.

Hot Springs Village POA Board Meeting Public Services Dashboard

By Cheryl Dowden, February 1, 2022

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Thank you for reading. If you like, please comment below; we love to hear your opinion.  Thank you for keeping the comments polite and on topic.  Please use your real name.  If you are an HSV Property Owner, please join us in our private Facebook Group.  Click here to join the group.  If you would like to submit an article for publication, please contact us through this website. Be sure to bookmark this website.
