At the January 29, 2022 Board Meeting, Director Belair made a motion approving the purchase of Smart water meters and Director Avila seconded. Click here to read the discussion on this item at the January 5, 2022 Board Discussion Session.
Temple Stresses Need For Approval of the New Meters
The Chair asked Temple, “Jason, if I understand correctly, we have our backs against the wall and have to do something with the water meters. Is that correct?”
Temple answered, “That is correct. We basically have to decide on [indecipherable] how we’re going to read our meters in the future. This is the basic decision today. This [motion] buys the system that we are going to use to read all of our manually-read meters, as well as we can start adding cellular-based, automatic read meters during this process.
POA Plans Eventual Transition to Monthly Water Bills
At some point in time, we will have enough [Smart] meters out there in the system that we could transition to monthly billing if we want to, which is something that the State Department has been encouraging us to do for several years. They don’t look at our bi-monthly billing as a good business practice, nor is it an accurate way for us to account for our water losses in the system. When we go to monthly billing, or at least [when] we put more of these automatic meters in our system and in the distribution part of our systems, we’ll be able to start fixing leaks and fine-tuning those leaks…The new meters will help to start improving our water loss percentages…]
Temple introduced Chris Boutzale, Superintendent of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants. “Boutzale is a 40-year employee. He is one of the highest licensed water plant operators and distribution systems in the state of Arkansas. He has all of the highest licenses. We’re very fortunate and privileged to work with him and have him on our staff. He is also available to answer any questions.”
Can We Go Ahead and Purchase a New Smart Meter Through the POA Before Our Replacement is Scheduled?
Board Chair, Joanie Corry asked Temple if Villagers could request a Smart Meter.
Temple said, “yes if you want to go ahead and get one of these automated Smart Meters at your house and you are not currently in this current plan, you are welcome to. For $276, we will replace that meter for you. That is outside of our budget. If you give us time, we will eventually get to your house. But one leak in your service line or a pipe break in your house, and the cost of fixing that…this could be detected very early in the process with these meters and save you tons of money and save you tons of damages.
Belair asked, “what is the size of the typical home water meter?”
Omohundro responded, “it is the 3/4.”
Temple added, “it is the 5/8 by 3/4. The very top one.”
Belair asked, “if someone wants to purchase now, ahead of schedule, when will they start being available?” Boutzale said we would receive some of the new meters in mid-February.
Paul said, “we could take preorders and then order them in bulk. It could take a couple or three months.”
POA Will Encourage Villagers to Purchase New Meters
Interim General Manager, John Paul, said, “one of the things that will be on the hand-off to the new General Manager is the marketing of this. It will be years before we replace all the meters…I noticed in a letter that was sent out about the insurance that covers your line from the house to the meter is $6.00 a month. It wouldn’t take long to make that back if you purchased a water meter on your own. We’ll be going out and doing a little marketing in the future to sell them to people. I’d buy one, just for the peace of mind. I could have it on my cell phone if there is a leak.”
“When we go to a residence, and there’s an issue with the meter or because the oldest ones are the Rockwells with no leak detecting device on them, if those meters have a problem, we will change them out,” Boutzale said.
“Anything 20 years and older are in the round of being changed, along with commercial meters,” explained Boutzale.
The motion passed unanimously.
Motion for Bulk Water Meter Purchase
By Cheryl Dowden, January 29, 2022
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Michael R Shannon
01/30/2022 — 7:00 am
“Interim General Manager, John Paul, said, “one of the things that will be on the hand-off to the new General Manager is the marketing of this. It will be years before we replace all the meters…I noticed in a letter that was sent out about the insurance that covers your line from the house to the meter is $6.00 a month.”
That doesn’t inspire much confidence. The letter was for people who live in Hot Springs NOT Hot Spring Village. One would think the Interim General Manager would know the difference. Persuading POA residents to spring for another $276.00, after a record increase in dues, it another example of board cluelessness
James McClarny
01/30/2022 — 8:09 am
Can someone please clarify: Do we, the residents of HSV, have to pay for these new meters or will they be provided by the POA?
01/30/2022 — 9:07 am
James, the new meters will slowly replace the old ones, as the older meters become inoperable. The POA replaces malfunctioning water meters. IF you should want a new meter now, before it is time to replace your old meter, then you will have the choice to have one installed if you are willing to buy it yourself. This is in no way a requirement.
01/30/2022 — 11:30 am
Don’t think they have to be broke. If that were the case, I could be waiting 20 more years.
01/30/2022 — 11:53 am
Norm, possibly you have more information than what was shared by the Director of Public Services.
Sue Posner
02/01/2022 — 6:16 am
The smart cell meters are high cost, have technical issues such as power that uses more energy to collect, transfer and store data, also connectivity challenges in areas with existing connectivity issues, also lack of skilled in house operators that require contracting third party, and are extremely vulnerable to hacking. Meters are not resident owners responsibility, it is required that for utility to meter and bill the utility must furnish such meters.(remember if you buy it you would be buying for leak detection that you would be required to fix anyway) Service line leak in your yard you will notice the seepage and sudden increase in your water bill. Homeowners insurance covers pipes within the house structure walls and as far as the outside line from structure to meter service line yes owners responsibility but so called insurance from utility companies, no it’s not insurance it’s typically a warranty by third party not utility company and you are responsible for deductible and there are usually exclusions. (waiting period, earthquake not covered etc.) Not all service lines are long, not all leaks mean replacing whole service line or digging a whole trench to replace. So if your line isn’t real old >30yr or a fairly new service line you can save the monthly warranty fees for year, a deductible, smart meter purchase and have @$850 to set aside in an emergency fund. State department? why would they care about our bi monthly billing cycle; the state of Florida water municipalities bill on a bi monthly cycle. Water losses in village system are from the road water lines too and from irrigating 9 golf courses plus many lawn sprinkler systems of high recreation water use. Consider your own situation and not just a sales pitch. Conserving water is more than home owners responsibility in the village, drought summers do some lawn watering bans, odd days only thing, same true on courses too much water can be as bad as too little, so hand water turf spots that need it vs turning whole course sprinkler system. Auto rain sensor switches, wetting agents, moisture meters, Bermuda grass is more salt tolerant than bent-grass so less salt flushing needed all conserve water on courses too.
Sue Posner
02/05/2022 — 6:58 pm
AND any letter you got from water line insurance with city of Hot Springs is a scam!!! DO NOT give them info at all
James Boyd
02/01/2022 — 4:22 pm
What about the Diehl meters with Itron?
Walter Chance
02/01/2022 — 7:03 pm
Again, A smart meter is not going to help you if you have leaking 50 year old mains. It seems the money for replacing old infrastructure has been quickly forgotten. I’m for replacing meters but we were sold on the assessment increase as a way to raise money for ‘Aging Infrastructure’.