Saturday, August 31, 2019, HSVPeople experienced a first with a memorable sign-raising ceremony. The crew consisted of Rocky Peebles, Mike Fleming, H. David Moore, Dave Sintich, Tom Impellizzeri, Caroll Allison, and Joe Dowden. On a sunny and warm morning, this industrious group installed a 3’ x 8’ sign near the Restore Store on Highway 7 outside the Village.

Rocky Peebles diligently worked with the sign company to help design a striking sign with a yellow background and black and red lettering. The sign reads, “” and “Know the Facts”. He also constructed and painted the frame and installed the banner and frame. Rocky was the project developer, manager, and engineer as he guided this project through from start to finish.
Afterward, Dave Sintich went back and installed garland and red, white and blue streamers on the sign for some extra oomph!
We would like to thank everyone that came out and helped with this project with special recognition given to Rocky who donated the use of his land and materials and so much more.
Hot Springs Village People, making things happen in the Village, one event at a time. Y’all are fantastic!
Kathy Henderson
08/31/2019 — 3:33 pm
Terrific work, guys! Thank you Rocky!
08/31/2019 — 3:57 pm
Awesome job!!
Vicky Didion
08/31/2019 — 4:27 pm
Thank you all! Wonderful video! We have very talented people in our Village and on our site!!
John Zatler
08/31/2019 — 5:12 pm
Many thanks to all of you.
08/31/2019 — 8:02 pm
Nicely done.
I imagine the “CEO” will call the lawyers to see what can be done to remove the sign. It is obviously going to impact her ability to get the job done.
Coleen Curtis
08/31/2019 — 9:14 pm
Thank you to all these awesome guys for making this happen, and a double thank you to Rocky! What a great idea to inform people about what is happening to our village. Just a thought, it might be a good thing to have one of these at the East Gate. Maybe Mr. Cooper would allow us to put it on his land. Either just outside the gate or his land where his cement place is on Hwy 5.
Tom Blakeman
09/01/2019 — 7:49 am
Great sign. Great work by the team. Thanks to everyone and especially Rocky
09/01/2019 — 9:32 am
You all are a blessing to this VillaGE
Minn Daly
09/01/2019 — 12:18 pm
Loved the sign, we need one @ back gate an front gate as well. I think John Cooper would give permission if asked. Thank you for all you do! Minn Daly
Judy Weatherly
09/01/2019 — 6:08 pm
Looks awesome! Great job guys!!
Ron Kastler
09/02/2019 — 10:17 am
Here are some interesting facts!
1)Fact: CEO hires Ms. Caperton.
2) Fact: Ms. Caperton salary is about $100,000.
3) Fact: CEO gave Ms. Caperton four directives.
4) Fact: Ms. Caperton has a budget of $200,000.
5) Fact: Ms. Caperton’s directives are the goals for the CEO
6) Fact: If Ms. Caperton completes the directives the CEO gets a bonus of $60,000.
Summary: We POA members will be paying Ms. Caperton’s salary of about $100,000 and her budget of $200,000 so that the CEO can get a bonus of $60,000.
Linda Van Scotter
09/02/2019 — 8:03 pm
Lordt help us. This is the truth!
Can we tell Jamie we don’t want her ,we don’t need her and she shouldn’t unpack?
Chris Trimble
09/04/2019 — 10:15 pm
Let’s stop pointing a finger at our “CEO”. We need to point the fingers at the board! They are the ones that have allowed this to happen and continue to do so. Face it, they don’t seem to realize that they are accountable to the POA membership and that the CEO is then accountable to the board’s directives. So let’s start directing our frustration at the board as they should be bound to react to the people.
09/08/2019 — 7:50 pm
Good for you Chris Trimble. Very good comment indeed.
09/16/2019 — 10:24 pm
H(erpes) S(implex) V(irus)