HSV Community News, Events, Opinions, People, and Places

HSV – We The People, For The People

By Lorri Street, June 8, 2020

On July 17, 2018, a letter—co-authored by Phil Lemler and me—appeared in the Hot Springs Village Voice. It read: “We the organizing team for ‘We the People for the People’ Campaign believe the CMP is detrimental to the Village and will add substantial debt on the backs of property owners. We have organized three forums designed to openly discuss and debate the viability of the CMP and the proposed changes to our Declaration.” Further on in the letter, we wrote “To be certain—this is a grassroots effort that will take ‘a Village’ to achieve our goals.” 

And achieve them WE did! 

  • November 30, 2018, proposed Declaration and Article(s) changes were solidly voted down by HSV Property Owners.
  • March 24, 2020, LTD+D, Lloyd Sherman, Tucker Omohundro, Dick Garrison, and Kirk Denger were solidly voted in as new HSV Board of Director’s by HSV Property Owners. 
  • May 27, 2020, the new BOD’s terminated the contract of HSVPOA CEO Lesley Nalley. The new POA BOD’s said it took its first steps in adopting a new organizational direction.  

In less than two years from the onset of  ‘We (YOU) the People,’ HSV Property Owners’ grassroots campaign…your collective hard work, commitment to the cause, dedication in time and money helped us like-minded HSV Property Owners reach the positive conclusions we strived for.     

Here’s my loud, standing ovation to each of you who pitched in when or wherever needed and donated the major funding essential to our goals. A special thanks to the Dowden’s for tirelessly reporting the real truth of the ‘happenings’ in our beloved Hot Springs Village. 

Everyone deserves to take a bow!

Many, many thanks…

Lorri Street


Editor’s note: We would like to give “We the People, For the People,” a huge thank you for everything they have done for the Village. This article would not be complete without including the videos of the fabulous forums organized by “We the People, For the People.”

WTP – Forum 1

Below are two videos of the WTP Forum 1, “The Problems and Promises of the CMP,” which was held on Thursday, August 23, 2018, at the Coronado Community Center. The first video is the presentation and the second is the question and answer period. The event was organized by Lorri Street and featured Phil Lemler as the guest speaker.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TG6JeUxn0M[/embedyt]


[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYL3Zo4CG58[/embedyt]


WTP – Forum 2

Below is a video of WTP Forum 2, “Town Hall with John Cooper, III of Cooper Community, Inc. (CCI).” The event was held on Wednesday, September 26, 2018, at the Woodlands Auditorium and was organized by Lorri Street of WTP.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=US8_0pP2-U4[/embedyt]


WTP – Forum 3

Below is the video of the WTP Forum 3, “Explaining the NO Vote Truth and Lies – Declaration and Articles of Inc., the Truth & Lies.” The guest panelists were: Gene Garner, Tom Blakeman, Robert Busse, and Jim Langford. Lorri Street of WTP was the organizer of the event which was held on Wednesday, October 24th, at the Woodlands Auditorium.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H43eUvrsGRY[/embedyt]


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