♫ Come For Lunch … Stay For The Music ! ♫
The Crystal Chimes Chorus is having a Guest Day on Tuesday, April 19. If you are a lady who likes to have fun and make new friends, please come and see what the chorus is all about. Join us for a light lunch and then stay for some singing. Lunch will be served at noon, followed by a chorus rehearsal. We meet every Tuesday in the choir room at the Christ of the Hills UMC … 700 Balearic Rd., in Hot Springs Village. Although this is an ‘official’ guest day, EVERY day is ‘Guest Day’ for the Chimes. We are trying to build our numbers, post-COVID, and would love for you to find out about our great group!
The three lovely ladies in the photo above are Judy Pugh (Membership Chair), Sandra Warren (our newest member), and Margaret Kresse (Director). Sandra and Margaret are from Hot Springs and are part of a group that carpools to the Village for rehearsal. Sandra had been a member of the chorus for about 10 years before she had to take a sabbatical. We are so happy that she is back! When asked what she likes about the Crystal Chimes, she said, “I like the musical experience of bringing happiness to others, and the sisterhood I feel with the other ladies.”

The Crystal Chimes Chorus is a member of Sweet Adelines International, the largest women’s singing organization in the world. We sing 4-part acapella harmony … the most beautiful vocal sound there is!
If you are interested in coming to Guest Day, please contact Judy Pugh at 1-817-714-5716 or judyp4591@gmail.com by Friday, April 15, so we will have the correct headcount. We know you’ll have a good time … you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
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