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Hot Springs Village Board Considers Special Assessment Discussion

HSVPOA Board Proposes Discussion of a Special Assessment to Purchase CCI Property

In an Executive Board Session on February 2, 2022, Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Board of Directors, Vice-chair, Tucker Omohundro, moved to present the topic of a special assessment. If the community decides to move forward on this issue, these additional funds would be used to purchase land from the Developer, Cooper Communities, Inc. (CCI). Director Pam Avila seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

 Omohundro said, “it’s basically about future land for years down the road and the land the Cedar Creek Trail is on.” The Board has received numerous emails from concerned Villagers about this particular walking trail which is owned by CCI. In order to guarantee that this property remains in use as a trail, “our only option is to purchase it ourselves,” explained Omohundro.

Last fall the Property Owners voted to increase regular assessments beginning in January of this year (2022), which is occurring in increments over three years time. Before this recent assessment increase passed, the Board made a commitment to not spend any of the additional regular assessment money on any purchase that has not already been designated in the Seven-Year Plan.” Omohundro further explained, “of course other than emergencies. I, and I think most of the Board, believe a purchase of this nature should be voted on by the members.”

Omohundro said the process will continue at the next Regular Board Meeting on Wednesday, February 16, where this issue will be discussed.

Omohundro asked CCI to provide the Board with an inventory of CCI-owned properties and the Board hopes to receive this additional information soon.

Once more details are known, the Board would like to survey or poll the community to see if there is interest in going forward with a vote on a special assessment to be used for the purchase. Omohundro explained, “if a majority thinks this is something we should do then we will do a special assessment vote to cover the cost.”

Omohundro said that as a Board Member he would only support the purchase of the Cedar Creek Trail land if it is done with a Special Assessment. In further clarification, Mr. Omohundro said this is his opinion, but not necessarily the opinion of the Board.

Additional Information about Cedar Creek Trail

The Explore the Village website has the following description of Cedar Creek Trail:

“Cedar Creek (3.1 Mile One Way) – a beautiful wooded trail that encompasses three separate loops with a soft surface and level terrain, except for a slight incline on the Mourning Dove Path. This trail is a favorite for wildlife viewing and birdwatching and features a seasonal view of Cedar Creek. The three loops within the trail include Blue Bird Path, a 0.7 mile loop; Kingfisher Path, a 0.6 mile loop; and Cardinal Path, a 0.6 mile loop. Parking Lot A is located at 200 Minorca Road. Parking is also available on Lot B at the north end of the trail at Minorca Road and Coronado Drive across from the Coronado Baptist Church.”


Cheryl Dowden, HSVPeople, February 15, 2022


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