Exciting News in Hot Springs Village – Archery Range Open House
Calling all toxophilites! Just imagine being outside in the beautiful, natural setting of Hot Springs Village. The sky is bright blue and the air is crisp. A bow is drawn. The arrow is released. You can hear the whoosh of your arrow rushing toward the intended target and that satisfactory plunk when it hits the spot. Soon this will be a reality if you attend the new HSV archery open house. This free event will be held on Saturday, September 4 from 9:00 a.m to 12:00 p.m.
tox·oph·i·lite – a student or lover of archery
At the archery range open house, you can try out the new archery amenity and meet two archery experts who have a passion for the sport and want to share it with you.
Special guest Mark Quinton, who is a retired 30-year Pro staffer for Hoyt Archery, and Instructor Michael Beaver will be on hand for shooting tips or instruction.”
Be there at 9:00 a.m. sharp and they’ll catch you up on range rules and how you can sign up to use the range. At 9:15 a.m. the range will be open for shooting until 12:00 p.m. No registration for this event is required. There are currently three targets set up.
The range is located off of Fenix Drive. From Desoto Boulevard, turn North on Fenix (by the storage units) ½ mile you will see the Archery Range sign on the left.
Mark Quinton
Mark said, “less than 1% of professional archers make a living at it. I wasn’t one of them.”
Mark continued, “my dad was New England Champion in the ’50s. Archery has changed a lot. Back then they were shooting 6” groups at 20 yards, now we shoot 1/2” groups at that distance. I wanted to be like my dad, and have shot millions of arrows ( I’ve actually counted) over 60 years.”
“I own State scoring records in two states and have participated in dozens of state and national events, even placed in the top ten in the World Shoot in 1989, winning my share over the years. I was sponsored by top manufacturers that supplied my equipment,” elaborated Quinton.
In his career, Mark also worked for a pharmaceutical company for 35 years.

Michael Beaver
Although Beaver didn’t have any direct input in the development of the plan, he is here now to assist in any way possible. Michael’s archery coach, Gary Sheldon, passed away this year from a sudden heart attack. “I know he’s smiling [about the new archery range], Michael said. “Overall there is a positive response from those who I know and those who have stopped me to ask questions.”
Michael says, “next up, a community martial arts program.”

How a Plan was Developed
Mark joined the Parks and Recreation Committee approximately 18 months ago. At that time, former P & R Committee member, Don Langston was interested in developing an archery amenity and asked Mark to “run with it.” Mark said, “I made the proposal, found a spot, and Stephanie [Heffer] brought it to the Board [Directors].” After Board approval, Terry Wiley [Director of Parks and Recreation] made the range a reality (with Mark’s direction).
Special Introductory Offer
From September 7 through November 30, the POA will be offering an introductory pass for only $25 for POA members and $35 for nonmembers. This offer is valid through February 28, 2022. Annual passes will be available for purchase beginning December 1, 2021.

Good Ole Fun
There are future plans for an archery club and Mark sees the possibility for archery competitions and even a league.
The range is a great way for both hunters and nonhunters to hone their skills and as Mark said, “it’s good, all-around fun and a way to meet others.” Come out and show your support. The POA says, “bring your recurve or compound and give it a go!”
Archery Range Rules (Click on arrows to enlarge)
Hot-Springs-Village-Archery-RangeBy Cheryl Dowden, August 29, 2021
Photography courtesy of the POA, but mostly Michael Beaver. (Thank you.)
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Dale Stone
08/29/2021 — 4:34 pm
Looks like a great idea! I can’t wait until they get targets set up for crossbows. Are there elevated platforms for shooting? Current village rules require 10’ minimum elevation to hunt in urban hunt. Elevated platforms would be nice for hunters to practice? Great job.
08/29/2021 — 4:49 pm
Dale Stone, it is my understanding you have to bring your own target for crossbows.
09/02/2021 — 11:36 am
Dale, we have just received an update and you do not need to bring your own targets for crossbows.
Mike Newby
09/12/2021 — 6:25 pm
I’m excited to see hsv now has a place to practice with bows without having to drive forever to loose some arrows legally. Next step will be the club to be a members together and promote the sport. I guess all you have to do is go to the POA and pay the fee since I missed the intro meeting at the range. Thanks
Hal T. Keltner
03/29/2022 — 7:42 am
Hi Mike, this is Hal, I know you from pickleball at the church. I will stop by the range today, but I don’t have a direct number to call you. You can, of course, e mail a reply. Thanks
Thomas Griffin
03/27/2023 — 11:03 am
Do you sell archery range memberships to non village residents?