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Guiding the Village Back to Prosperity

By Lloyd Sherman, January 10, 2020

Hello fellow property owners. This is Lloyd Sherman, candidate for the 2020 POA Board of Directors.  I am a five-year resident and property owner of HSV and I’d like to highlight my background. Much of my experience was developed in General Manager roles.  During my corporate career, I learned the five pillars of good business management: Marketing, Sales, Operations, Finance and Administration. I was very successful in these phases of business. My success later became an asset when I formed my own consulting business and put my acquired skills to help other business owners. As a Consultant, I was hired to be a change agent. My job was to identify and then fix issues that were leading companies toward bankruptcy. 


Much must be done to get the Village back on track.  My consultant and general manager background positions me perfectly to serve as a guiding resource on the POA board.  I will use my learned skills and expertise to help guide the Village back to prosperity.  There are two major initial categories that require attention:


Through the past several years, for reasons beyond comprehension, current and previous Boards have systematically changed Bylaws, Policies, Procedures, Charters, etc. to take virtually all power away from themselves. They have abdicated it into the hands of the CEO and administration.  Immediate steps need to be taken to reverse this shift, change back the altered documents, and return control to the elected Board, a Board that represents the property owners. Furthermore, the flawed mindset that it is a board member’s duty to support only the “corporation” must be altered.  Such thinking is in total conflict with the will of the people.


The Comprehensive Master Plan is nothing more than a restatement of a failed Savannah Lakes Village plan and 2014 Masterplan Workbook (both brought by failed General Manager Twiggs).  It is nothing short of a mechanism to obtain more administration control and turns the Village into an urban mess. Much of what is in the CMP is related to infrastructure. I remain confused to this day why we needed to pay consultants $500K to tell us we needed to work on our infrastructure.  Today, we have people working on a 30-year development plan instead of figuring out how we are going to pay for all the infrastructure that needs to be improved and maintained. We need to start focusing on what can be done within reasonable timeframes to ensure our long-term viability. The common-sense approach would be to develop one, three- and five-year plans, review annually, and adjust accordingly.


The CMP and our CEO have done nothing more than change the direction of the POA from a maintenance organization to that of a development organization.  Thirty years hence there won’t be a Village if we don’t make significant changes now. I ask for your vote to let me assist in Guiding the Village Back to Prosperity

I also support like-minded candidates Dick Garrison and Tucker Omohundro.


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