One team will be crowned a first-place winner. Will it be your team?
Hot Springs Village Parks and Recreation Department is celebrating its recreational amenities with a challenge to the community. HSV Parks and Recreation wants you to Discover, Explore, and Experience everything the department has to offer. There is a lot to enjoy!
This is a six-month challenge for fun and health. Teams will be tasked with a wide variety of old favs and new adventures, all while meeting new people and having a blast learning about HSV recreational opportunities. And to sweeten the pot, winning teams will be awarded prizes.
Parks and Rec Open House is Kickoff for Get in the Game 2022

The kickoff for the Get in the Game 2022 challenge is at the Parks & Recreation Open House, which is next Sunday, April 10, from 2:00 to 5:00 PM at the Coronado Community Center. The Open House will feature demonstrations of all our amenities and there will be tables of ‘experts’ for each amenity to answer questions and encourage people to come out and play. Parks and Recreation is aiming for a healthier, fit population.
Click here to go to the Get in the Game 2022 website.
Some of the Get in the Game 2022 Details
- You must be an HSV resident or have HSV amenity privileges to play.
- Teams will be made up of four to six people. You need not register with a team. If you register as a single player, you will be assigned to a team. Each team will have a captain.
- Some challenges may be performed by individuals on teams (the more who participate, the higher the points awarded), while other challenges require the entire team to complete the task(s).
- Each team submits monthly Challenge Documentation Proof at the time specified in the rules.
- The Get in the Game 2022 website will be updated monthly with team points until the last six weeks when teams will be competing blind.
- First place through fourth place prizes will be awarded to the winning teams. The first-place prize package includes a 2023 Annual Recreation Bundle which is comprised of annual memberships to the fitness center, tennis center, pickleball, croquet, archery, lawn bowling, bocce ball, library, outdoor pool, dog park, and tickets to performances at the Woodlands Theatre.
- Go here to read all of the rules for Get in the Game 2022.
What is posted in this article is not complete. The Parks and Recreation Department has developed a beautiful and extensive website, explaining Get in the Game 2022 at Hot Springs Village in great detail. Click here to visit the Get in the Game 2022 website.
Coordinator Contact Information
Serena Gonzales 985-630-6336 Get In The Game Lead Coordinator
Evan Hanson 541-787-9091 Oh ! Places You’ll Go Lead Coordinator
Calvin Doody 501-922-0645 Get In The Game Coordinator
Get-in-the-Game-2022-pdf☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
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