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Fountain Lake School District Asking for 5.0 Millage Increase


FACT: FLSD borders in HSV encompass areas in both Saline and Garland counties. Check your property tax bill to determine if your property is within the FLSD school boundaries.

FACT: What it will cost YOU regardless of age or disability (real estate property tax freeze) status.

  • $200,000 (home) X .20 X .005 (mill increase) = $200 more per year or $16.67 per month.
  • $300,000 (home) X .20 X .005 (mill increase) = $300 more per year or $25 per month.
  • $400,000 (home) X .20 X .005 (mill increase) = $400 or $33.33 per month, etc.

FACT: The recent FLSD mailer tops their “What is your Cost” at $150,000 appraised value. There are few homes in HSV within the FLSD boundaries appraised at that amount, and even less so when the Saline & Garland Counties property reappraisals hit in 2022.

FACT: FLSD plans to devote all 5 mills to debt millage. This may sound good to some people, but the reality is the 7.75 current debt service mill is probably more than is needed to service current debt and the $44,250,000 bond issue. In the past, debt service mills were double what was actually needed.

FACT: Any debt service millage revenue which exceeds what is needed to pay the bond debt can be used for whatever the district wants to use it for.

FACT: The proposed millage increase ignores the 2022 property tax reappraisal that is currently underway in both Saline and Garland Counties. This appraisal adjustment will increase real estate values for all residences who are not protected by the Amendment 79 tax freeze.



NEW RESIDENTS of HSV can register to vote at the DMV
office just north of the West gate on Hwy 7, behind Sonic.

EARLY VOTING: February 1-7 at the Garland County Election
Commission (closed on Sat. & Sun.).

ABSENTEE BALLOTS: If taxpayers live in Garland
County contact Garland County Clerk at 501-622-3610. If
taxpayers live in Saline County contact Saline County Clerk
at 501-303-5630.

Please share this information!

Questions? Email NoFLSDmillageincrease@mail.com

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2020-2021 Revenues per Student for 7 Local School Districts


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