On July 12, 2019, Hot Springs Village Property Owners Association (HSVPOA) held a Masterplan Advisory Committee meeting.
Committee members in attendance were Chairman Keith Keck, Vice Chairman Nikki Choyce, Patricia McCarthy, Murray Claasen, Pam Avila, Rolland White, and Tom Heau. Also in attendance were Buddy Dixon, Board of Director Liaison and Stephanie Heffer, Staff Liaison (HSVPOA Director of Placemaking and Development).
Click here to watch the YouTube recording
Agenda for July 12, 2019 HSVPOA CMPAC Meeting pg. 1
Agenda for July 12, 2019 HSVPOA CMPAC Meeting pg. 2
Click here to listen to an audio recording of HSVPOA CMPAC meeting held on 6/14/19
Lorri Street
07/15/2019 — 3:59 pm
Action item #10 – Need a plan for educating stakeholders.
I count myself as an HSV Property Owner–thought it was ridiculous from the onset to call Village Property Owners “stakeholders”. Just more fancy-smancy words that our CEO and ‘her’ Management Team came up with, all for the price of $500,000+. And, no need to educate me on the inner-workings of the CMP–it was a boondoggle from the start and continues to be a HUGE thorn in the side of the majority of Village Property Owners. I would be happy to supply shovels to all of you who need to dig your collective heads out of the sand!
Sue Posner
07/15/2019 — 8:12 pm
Booyah! Go Girl!
Tom Blakeman
07/15/2019 — 5:17 pm
Agree Lorri. I will add that “education” of us is similar to last year’s campaign to sell us on the Declarations Vote. We didn’t need education then and we don’t need it now. We all are fully aware of what’s going on and no amount of “education” is going to bring us around to accepting the CMP.
07/15/2019 — 7:34 pm
Why are we letting these overpaid CEOs CFO CEO run our world
Villager d
07/15/2019 — 7:37 pm
Look at how much they make every year
Kirk Denger
07/17/2019 — 10:52 pm
China has education camps where they send anyone who does not smile to the communist party. The 5 BODs we now have enable the CEO to do the same thing here in HSV. This Committee is totally illegal and so are it’s sub-committees. The Chair was appointed, NOT elected by the committee members. Puppet committee for the Congress of New Urbanism who has taken over our Village. Please do not get me started.
Sue Posner
07/18/2019 — 1:17 am
Booyah! I’m on a sabbatical for awhile, but as you can attest I’m as “fluid” as the CMP. Hah Hah! Hold on!
Sue P
07/18/2019 — 12:43 am
Because it matters. We did not start this agenda that has by design divided and unraveled what was the desirable place we chose to invest in to live. We are not the only community to push back on the originator of the CMP cookie cutter out of the playbook of the founder of this new urbanist not so deemed development, but a land grab. Meet the ground zero of property owners who have said no you can’t force your personal agenda onto a community. Listen, look and learn. http://www.ac4pr.org/videos-irc/
The shift is for the protégées pyramid builders of new urbanist movement from urban to resort towns has begone and has it’s eye set on HSV and promoting our CMP during recent presentation of Holiday Island, Fairfield Bay, Bella Vista. Starts at local to state to the region. Examples from locale of ground zero with not so desirable results.
After looking at that then consider this and how it ties in with the above. Yes it is happening to village at increasing rate since the unveiling of CMP and you just have to look over the neighbors fence to find out the who and the why.
Lead you to the water, but you must drink and decide how thirsty you are.