Chris Jones
Growing up near Dallas provided me with many unique opportunities – not the least of which was the short, 5-hour drive to HSV. Over the years, and after my family retired onto HSV’s Lake Balboa, I continued to build that connection. Even after graduating Magna Cum Laude from Univ of Texas at Dallas in 2011, HSV remained my go-to haven.
In 2020, I made Arkansas my full-time residence – by relocating into my own Hot Springs Village home.
My degree is in Global Business, and I currently enjoy a position as Product Manager for Ceridian, a Human Capital Management company. I provide products to clients ranging in size from start-up companies to billion-dollar corporations. 10 years of advising organizations both large and small has given me hands-on experience in business planning, profit/loss ratios, marketing and sales, Human Resources, and Payroll Management.
My successful career has mainly revolved around the creation and promotion of full data analysis products. This extensive data analytics background is used to provide quality predictive and prescriptive decision making to business leaders around the globe. HSV has a history of questionable decision making, and I am prepared to apply my expertise to the task of helping the board make quality decisions based on quantifiable data. This will propel our gated community to be the best it can be.
I also bring a new perspective to the HSV Board. Like all communities, HSV continues to evolve. That includes the families who call HSV home. I represent an age group that is the future of Hot Springs Village. I understand what younger families currently living within our gates want and need – and I know what similar populations near and far are seeking. With my background in marketing and sales, I know how to reach both of those groups – to put HSV on their map.
HSV’s backbone has long-been golf, but we also need to capitalize on our other attributes — such as trails, beaches, lakes, and alternative recreation. All of these are made sweeter with personal security, affordability, and our natural setting. In our current climate, these amenities and qualities are in high demand, particularly by those living in major metropolitan areas. I am prepared to help energize our marketing efforts to reach those groups – who are ultimately the key to meeting our growing financial needs.
Hot Springs Village is not just my home; it is also a product that I want to help flourish. I am ready to leverage both my professional and personal backgrounds to achieve quality outcomes that will guarantee our future. 50 years has given HSV an enviable position in the world of private communities. We need to position ourselves to ensure that there is another 50 to come.
I am ready to do my part in ensuring a successful future for our Village. My name is Chris Jones, and I would be honored to serve you on the POA Board of Directors.

* * *
If you have any questions, Chris can be reached by email at
Thank you for reading. Be sure to bookmark this website. Click here to visit the Hot Springs Village People Facebook Group.
January 15, 2021
Kirk Denger
01/15/2021 — 11:01 pm
Chris, you have my vote!
Chris Jones
01/15/2021 — 11:50 pm
Thanks, Kirk, I appreciate that!
Lorri Street
01/17/2021 — 4:10 pm
Hello Chris…if you can convince the GM and BOD’s to ‘replace’ Cortez beach with another similar in size beach–think Coronado dock area–I’ll back you 100%. We lost Cortez Beach because our prior ceo and BOD’s found it more important to build a $1.2mil pool than to negotiate the purchase of the Cortez Island for $500, 000! A shocking tragedy for literally thousands of multigeneration beach goers. We need a replacement somewhere before next summer arrives.
Chris Jones
01/18/2021 — 6:08 am
You’re absolutely right. The Cortez Beach sale is a dark mark for the Village. I will do everything I can to explore options and push for alternatives. I can’t guarantee a new beach by summer, but you have my word that I will fight to ensure that we gain ownership of what makes our community unique: trails, beaches, lakes. As I understand it, most pieces of land are for sale including Cedar Creek Trail, which my family and I walk each week. It would be another travesty to lose such a wonderful, natural amenity because the value was placed elsewhere.
Lesley Nalley
01/18/2021 — 9:37 am
Yes it is a dark mark for the Village and the non confidential records will show that Kirk Dinger was the only one that supported a purchase of Cortez Beach. The 2020/2021 board chose not to spend the money they were advised by staff could have been used.
Chris Jones
01/18/2021 — 10:10 am
That is a very unfortunate situation. While we can’t change the past, we certainly need to hold ourselves accountable to learn from previous mistakes and not repeat them.
Phillip Lemler
01/18/2021 — 10:27 am
Interesting comment by someone who spent $500,000 on a worthless plan, hundreds of thousands more to defend it and $1.2 million for a pool most did not want. And, most Villagers advised against each reckless expenditure!
Lesley Nalley
01/18/2021 — 1:34 pm
Actually, Phil, the plan encouraged us to protect the parcels of property that were important to us. So, from my perspective it wasn’t worthless. Additionally, it appears that a number of its components are being implemented. Hope you are enjoying your new home.
Phillip Lemler
01/18/2021 — 3:37 pm
Actually, Lesley, the plan was ill-conceived from the start because it promised development on parcels where HSV did not own the easements. It moved from ill-conceived to impossible when you tried to chase CCI out of HSV. I am sure your twisted narrative helps to amend the black mark on your resume.
Kirk Denger
01/18/2021 — 11:22 pm
Phil, thanks for your efforts to successfully remove DPZ from completely taking over our Village. Even though we are still subservient to many of that master’s plan, we have hope to remove the rest of it. When times were better, CCI donated DeSoto beach to the POA. With Bezos and Musk launching towards the heavens, CCI’s brick and mortar shopping centers are going the opposite direction. It is understandable that even though Cortez beach was always considered by each new Property Owner an amenity when we bought from CCI, if you read the fine print you find that each sales person does not represent CCI and therefore CCI bears no responsibility for what the sales persons tell you. For 35 years Cortez Beach and island was represented as Common property, in every way except in the small print. What does that type of advertising tell you? When Corporations are hard-up for cash, they will sell their souls, understandable. Lesley is a great soul as you get to know her and I am sure you and I are likewise. May we now find some sense of unity in our community.
Sam Taylor
01/18/2021 — 6:56 pm
IMO we do NOT need to be buying anymore property than we already have. We are not creating additional sources of income by purchasing additional property or even by building a beach or for that matter trails either. I think this information probably helps me making my decision of who to vote for.
Chris Jones
01/19/2021 — 8:13 am
Thanks for your comment, Sam.
On a point by point basis, you’re exactly right. We can’t spend money without having some to spend. However, I would disagree that having natural amenities protected from external purchase as being something that wouldn’t generate income, albeit indirectly. People visit HSV, and spend their money here, because of the natural amenities. People aren’t traveling hundreds of miles because they want to eat a burger at a POA restaurant. Golf isn’t the same draw that it once was. So people come for the lakes, beaches, trails, and vistas. Golf, pools, restaurants aren’t unique and can be found anywhere. I’m promoting that we protect what makes our Village stand out above other places.
So yes, it doesn’t seems feasible in the short term to purchase property that isn’t revenue generating directly, however it stands up with the long term vision that people will visit and move here because of the natural amenities we have to offer.
Chess isn’t won in a single move. It takes strategy to get to the finish.
01/18/2021 — 10:36 pm
Lesley, I am amused listening to the Board re-institute major parts of the CMP, and giving great cudos to the job being done by the outside marketing company you introduced to the Village. Jeanette
Lesley Nalley
01/19/2021 — 8:00 am
Thank you Jeanette, but I give all the credit to the Sells Agency. It is one of the most professional and respected firms in the state and beyond. As we cautioned last year though, ongoing public negativity will only make their work in telling HSV’s story that much harder.
Phil, the only black stain is how the outside world views HSV. Your CCI-related rhetoric is simply not accurate but more than that it’s old history. Again, the outside world fully understands the importance of protecting community assets and ensuring its citizens continue to prosper. Regardless, it is truly time to move beyond petty drama that has now culminated in our new GM resigning under what appears to be duress. Enjoy your new home. Now let’s both allow HSV to heal.
Phillip Lemler
01/19/2021 — 10:33 am
I agree we should let the Village heal. However, you can disparage the 2020/2021 board for not heeding the staff’s advice to purchase Cortez beach. Yet, my comment about CCI is “old history”? I don’t think you should denigrate the new board as they were left with a huge mess. Podawiltz, Sherman, Garrision, Omohundro and others have worked diligently to “right the ship” and there is still a ways to go. HSV will get there!
I cautioned you in 2018 that you (and your policies) were creating acrimony and division in HSV and that refusing to listen to Villagers would worsen the rhetoric. Yet, your cautioning is appropriate but mine (and others) was to be ignored?
HSV is a GREAT place and will continue to be one. Anyone contemplating moving to HSV will find it to be a “place of their dreams”. There are problems which were created by previous administrations but they are gone and I believe HSV will eventually heal and return to prosperity. You can never change the beauty of HSV and all it has to offer. Even poor management can’t mess that up!
steve bylow
01/27/2021 — 7:10 pm
I continue to be amazed how past Board Members and Executive Staff who have moved on continue to utilize this website.
If you really feel compelled to respond to someone send them an email or call.
In addition, you many want to consider watching the movie “Frozen” and focus on the song “Let it Go”.
Lesley Nalley
01/29/2021 — 9:28 am
Steve considering your recent past engagement by the HSV board to provide human resource consulting, you of all people should show more professional tact than interjecting yourself in civil conversations between other property owners and expressing your opinions of board members and employees.
May I suggest that you take your own advice rather than using multiple platforms for activities that are contributing to a growing human resource crisis that us property owners will ultimately pay for, whether in quality of life or property value. It is up to those of us still actually invested in the village to work towards better rather than being “frozen” 😉
Phillip Lemler
01/29/2021 — 10:31 am
I agree with Lesley (please don’t fall off your chair Lesley LOL). This is a site for all who want a better Village … regardless of why. Steve, you should welcome any input/commentary that helps HSV achieve its goals … regardless of where it emanates.
steve bylow
01/29/2021 — 5:14 pm
Ms. Nalley – I’ll help clarify. I find it odd that you and recent Board members comment on the organization you recently worked for.
In regard to “taking my own advice”; when I resigned from executive positions with prior organizations, I made it a point to not publicly engage with others who may have wanted me to rehash the past or pontificate on company business. I learned this from BOD members and Executives I respected.
Yes I have volunteered my HR expertise to the POA and several other organizations this past year. I don’t consider my short-term volunteer work as being comparable to that of a 2020 Board Member or POA Executive.
No problem that we agree to disagree.
01/21/2021 — 4:15 pm
Chris, where is your resume?
Chris Jones
01/21/2021 — 5:13 pm
Hi Jack,
The bio above is the submitted resume for candidacy. It is encouraged to be in the form of a narrative. If you’d like to review my professional bio, you can find it at
Susan Beattie
01/25/2021 — 10:16 am
Ok…I am convinced…be good do good stay safe😷
Vicki Husted
01/21/2021 — 4:43 pm
Where did you get my personal email address to send me information yesterday?
Chris Jones
01/21/2021 — 5:14 pm
Hi Vicki,
Hopefully I didn’t alarm you! I put in an information request with the POA for the email addresses of all property owners. As an owner, you can make those type of requests since they are public record.
01/21/2021 — 5:18 pm
Did the POA give you the email addresses in electronic form?
Chris Jones
01/21/2021 — 5:29 pm
Due to the office closure for Covid-19, I was provided the information in electronic format under the strict purpose of use for campaigning for POA Board only.
Tom Blakeman
02/02/2021 — 9:10 pm
Funny. Only a year ago, regardless of circumstances, nobody could get anything from POA electronically. I know this because was part of a team of 10 that scanned paper copies, then converted them and cleaned up a totally garbage database to extract emails for use by candidates in the last election. WTF changed.? Did the court order change? Did POA policy change? Or are you Special?