Chaos in the Village
For the better part of two (2) years now, there has been utter Chaos in our Village. Concerns that initiated with the Comprehensive Master Plan (CMP) have evolved into significant worries about the actual welfare of our beautiful Village. There is a lot of talk via social media, regarding the concerns, issues that have been brought to light, and what is behind these issues.
First and foremost, we all need to become enlightened to what is truly an issue and what is simply a rumor. Rumors harm, however, true facts enlighten everyone. There are some, who for whatever reason, have buried their collective heads in the sand and try to downplay the issues before us. Thankfully, there are many others who are working diligently to not just bring the issues to light but to find workable solutions.
What can Villagers do about any of this?
I believe there is much we can do to help reduce the chaos. First, we must become informed. What are the real issues? what are the serious issues? Secondly, we can begin to serve our community in a variety of ways. We can use our vote as our voice, as demonstrated by the last election and by the vote on the Declaration changes that were proposed. We cannot become complacent ever again. Retirement doesn’t mean we stop paying attention to what’s happening around us. Thirdly, we become active on every committee in the Village.
Why would I want to be on a Committee?
Yes, I have heard all the reasons for not becoming a committee member. Among those reasons:
- “I work and can’t attend meetings,”
- “The committees are run by LN’s people,” and
- “They won’t listen to me.”
The only valid reason listed here is, “I’m working and not available during times they meet”. If we want to truly affect change in the Village we have to start with the committees. Even if we elect board members who feel about the CMP and the current changes as many of us do, they can’t do everything alone. They take the recommendations that come out of these committees as they should. If we have like-minded people on the Committee’s we can affect those recommendations thus assisting the BOD in making choices that help strengthen and promote the Village appropriately.
Finding our Voice
Will this happen the day after you join a committee? NO. But with each successful replacement of Committee members that bring a unifying voice, the more successful we will be in getting good recommendations and not just rubber-stamping of the CMP. Fill out an application for one of the nine (9) committees or four (4) ad hoc committees that you feel you can make a difference on. Talk to the Committee Chairperson.
Remember not all of the CMP is bad. Some of it, especially in regards to maintenance, makes sense, but we need to be sure those who are on the committees will help steer the Board Directors in approving the good parts and finding alternative solutions for the bad. If you can’t find your way to being active on the committees, then try attending them. Become vocal at the committee level so that the committee members hear us and know what we agree with and if we don’t agree, what solutions we can offer. It does absolutely no good to complain loudly on social network sites day after day, expecting someone else to do something about it.
This is an opinion piece.
by Cheri Nelson, August 15, 2019
Click here to find a committee application

Click here to learn about the Public Services Committee
Click here to learn about the GAC
Click here to learn about the Golf Committee
Frank Shears aka Bubba
08/15/2019 — 3:32 pm
This may be just an opinion piece, but I think it is a very good opinion and makes a lot of sense.
Thank you Cheri Nelson
Vicki Husted
08/15/2019 — 3:48 pm
I wholeheartedly agree!
08/15/2019 — 4:01 pm
excellent advice. thanks for your time. if you are not part of the solution , you are part of the problem.
08/15/2019 — 4:07 pm
Thanks, aa! Just to be clear, there are many other things that can be done besides being on committees. If someone is not on a committee, it does not mean they are part of the problem. There is a place for all of us to work together.
Minn Daly
08/15/2019 — 5:04 pm
Cherie, being on a committee is great but what we need is a legal team to stop this mess. If we all kicked in financially arranged for a couple of people to seek out a law firm, who have our community interest at heart, until we could vote on a New BOD. Respectfully, Minn Daly
08/15/2019 — 5:20 pm
Hopefully, it doesn’t come to that Minn. Every day it looks like that may be our only option. I was so optimistic that management would work with the community, but they keep pushing their New Urbanism CMP. We will see what management reports on at the next BOD meeting. It will probably be a lodge and pocket homes. Of course, they will not really report on true pocket homes. They have taken to calling traditional homes, pocket homes. They don’t seem to be able to take a step back and look at the train wreck they are on and instead want to keep up pretenses.
Sam Taylor
08/15/2019 — 6:23 pm
I believe you are right. They need a success story, any success story will do even if it’s not completely accurate. More and more they are pushing so many things as pocket homes on Nextdoor. Those streets between houses look different than pocket home neighborhoods to me. Those garages on front of the house look to be something other than pocket homes, etc., etc., etc.
Minn Daly
08/15/2019 — 8:15 pm
Cheri, I support COOPER 100 percent! I do not believe in the Illegal CMP! I do not believe in any thing that this BOD/CEO do! They have proven that they do not listen to strong minded executives that have told them repeatedly that they are going down the wrong path! COOPER has his easements, nothing will change that. Ernie Deaton has told the Complicance committee they are way out of line. Gene Garner’ law suit let’s hope will be a winner. Then maybe some on the BOD will listen to the owners. The only other answers are to show up @ every BOD meeting, voice our objections with large groups of POA owners. We must have a BOD that value our community, respect the owners, not try to bankrupt it! Respectfully, Minn Daly
Russ Patyk
08/15/2019 — 9:33 pm
I agree that change will only come from the current governing structure (committee membership) Your positions on any issue will only implemented by getting involved. In my opinion….. social media participation is ineffective in making real changes. It may actually make people with other opinions more steadfast in there opposition to yours. There is no substitute for direct people to people interaction to effect change.
Kirk Denger
08/15/2019 — 10:16 pm
Cheri Nelson, you are so correct about working on committees, that is how CCI intended the POA to be organized when they formed the POA. Organized committees made up of property owners to produce the will of the property members. The problem we have had for at least two years is fraudulent illegal committees made up of Staff and BODs or committees whose chair is appointed by the same staff/BODs. This is fraught with conflicts of interest and against the will of the membership. Russ, you are correct that there is no substitute for direct people to people interaction to effect change. All members, meet at the next board meeting, the third Wednesday of this and every month. Come early and stay late for member to member interaction. Let us evaluate the HSV BOD and tell those Board members who will not listen to the overwhelming majority of property owners, that we oppose the CMP and that we will replace fraudulent illegal Board members by a majority vote at a member’s meeting.
Mike Fleming
08/16/2019 — 11:46 am
Kirk, I would like Tom Blakeman to address the members. He has earned this whether he likes it or not.
Kirk Denger
08/16/2019 — 8:56 pm
I could not agree with you more Mike.
08/18/2019 — 12:23 pm
Cute. “Be the solution.” Fire the manager and send the board packing. That’s the solution. Anything short of that is playing her game.
08/15/2019 — 10:56 pm
Camel: A race horse designed by a committee.
Current HSV: A camel.
08/16/2019 — 6:21 am
We have an identity crisis. Now we are “Largest GATED Community in U.S.” Never Marketed by present leadership. Why? Guess they have other plans. Opportunity lost. Let’s just enjoy our beautiful place for whatever it will become, it is still beautiful. I am dropping out of the fight. Too much stress and strife. They changed our logo once. We can do it again. I vote for a Camel.
The gates are coming down, folks. We are headed for Municipality. We need a committee for that.
08/16/2019 — 7:45 am
People. Get real. No one ever accomplished anything by being part of some lame committee with no power to do anything other that stick post-it-notes on a white board. Ever. Our recently elected board members can’t do anything to stop the CMP and the overthrow of HSV – why would anyone believe a committee that reports to them who are powerless would change anything??
Forget the committees….it is time to stop this madness.
The gates are coming down…that we now know for certain…unless these crazies are stopped they will be gone, along with HSV as we know it.
No committee is going to stop this from happening. Not a one. Ever.
08/16/2019 — 8:27 am
Tactic: divide and conquer
You disagree with me, I disagree with you.
Total dysfunction ! Totally stymied.
They waltz away with our money.
We still disagree as to who was to blame.
They laugh all the way to the bank.
Has anyone other than board or upper management ever heard what the smaller committees say?
I agree with above, max
Linda Anderson
08/16/2019 — 11:18 am
When leadership fails, call in the committee’s to lead the narrative on a decision. Adding more committee’s becomes a smokescreen to divert attention away from the BOD/CEO’s voting on real changes that are bringing HSV to it’s financial knee’s in order to stamp out it’s unique character and blend with the rest of the world as a destination ” City “. There is hope that the ” facts ” will matter and prevail in the face of misleading assumptions, distractions and financial secrets. HSV MATTERS and everyone must look at the facts of it’s leadership’s decisions and how each decision is committed to change HSV forever. is committed to the facts. Property Owners need to get involved. Look, listen and stand for the best interests of HSV.
08/17/2019 — 8:14 pm
Linda… you are spot on!
08/18/2019 — 7:55 pm
According to our CEO’s statement published in the Village Voice… All committees have been realigned to implement the Comprehensive Master Plan. Our Property Owner committee’s recommendations have NO TEETH… because the CEO has the final say. Our 2018 Board has betrayed Hot Springs Village Property Owners. The committees are useless.
08/19/2019 — 5:09 pm
Anyone hearing about the oppressive nature of upper management toward workers is not wrong, it is truly a totalitarian work environment