HSVPOA Board Reduces Marketing Committee Status to Ad Hoc
At the May 19, 2021 Board Meeting, Director Pam Avila moved to transition the standing Board Marketing Committee to an…
Hot Springs Village Marketing News and Opinions
At the May 19, 2021 Board Meeting, Director Pam Avila moved to transition the standing Board Marketing Committee to an…
By Ray Lehman, May 8, 2021 There is an important discussion going on right now about dissolving the HSV Marketing…
The Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association sent out the following eblast on February 3, 2021. Hot Springs Village POA…
On August 4, 2020, the HSVPOA Finance and Planning Committee met at the Card Room at Ponce de Leon. Strict…
By Cheryl Dowden, January 31, 2020 The cover-up of the Marketing Sub-committee Findings Report This is the story of a…
The CEO discusses HSVPOA third party marketing during the January 15, 2020 Board meeting. Most of this is covered in…
The HSVPOA Comprehensive Master Plan Advisory Committee (CMPAC) Marketing Subcommittee (MSC) met on Friday, November 15, 2019, at approximately 2:04…
The Marketing Subcommittee met on Friday, October 18, 2019, in Room 3 at the Coronado Community Center. Committee members in…
by Lloyd Sherman, October 13, 2019 What makes HSV special and different enough to draw our fair share of the…
HSVPOA Revenue & Marketing Plan – DC Reed DC Reed is retired from a life-long career in technology sales. Management…
Written by Tom Blakeman, May 26, 2019 HSV Marketing – What Happened? The following is an excerpt from the HSVPOA…
Jeff Meek Interviews Kevin Sexton In the Second Interview of “Voice Your Questions with Jeff Meek”, Kevin Sexton, HSV POA…
It is not clear who the Concerned HSV Residents are who put the Marketing HSV – White Paper together. But…
Note from Editor: This Marketing HSV White Paper was written by a group of anonymous Concerned Villagers to the HSV…
Written by Walter Chance Marketing plan is needed for Hot Springs Village Having sold and built homes for over 30…
Written by Michael Fleming No time to waste in implementing good marketing strategy in HSV, Arkansas After watching Mr. Lemler’s…
April 11, 2019, Phil Lemler presented a HSV Marketing Seminar (Workshop). There were more than 50 Villagers in attendance including…
Dear Ms. Nalley and POA Board Members: I am issuing yet another invitation to the “marketing” workshop at the Coronado…
Phil Lemler offers marketing seminar to HSV BOD & Management Phil Lemler, a professional with 45 years plus of marketing…
Written by Phil Lemler Lack of a Comprehensive Marketing Plan “I have been campaigning against the Comprehensive Master Plan (CMP)…
HSV Marketing or Lack Thereof Written by Lloyd Sherman A month or so ago, I became curious about the magazine that appears to be…
Marketing HSV “Most people do not truly understand marketing… many confuse it with advertising/promotion. In actuality advertising, promotion, social marketing,…