The following email from the Hot Springs Village Property Owners was shared with Property Owners on January 22, 2021:
“At their January 20 meeting, the Board members received a “behind the scenes” look, from Coreena Fetterhoff, POA Controller, at what the POA staff has been doing to make your Village stronger and the staff more efficient. We believe the entire Village should have the opportunity to share this interesting view of what has gone on “behind the scenes” at the POA over the past several months. Click” the pdf below “to see how hard your POA staff is working on your behalf!”
This is a 16-page viewable and downloadable document. Please hover your mouse over the page and you will find options in the upper grey bar to page up and down, expand, or download.
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Tom Blakeman
01/22/2021 — 12:18 pm
I listened to this lengthy victory lap discourse on the video. I’m not going to try and fact check everything said but it appeared to me that many of the great accomplishments were either a) already proposed or ongoing before many of the staff noted even came on board or attained their positions and b) some of the software mentioned had been here for years without being used properly but the impetus to figure out how to use it came from either a board member(s) since resigned or from property owner volunteers who were sent away as interfering and c) credit was being taken for some things that nobody really controlled such as the increase in new home starts. A very generous self serving report in my humble opinion.
01/22/2021 — 1:11 pm
Once again like king said good news is reported and someone always right there to say something negative.
01/22/2021 — 3:00 pm
I could not have said it better mr/ms employee Stop All Negativity
Kim Victorine
01/22/2021 — 4:15 pm
I found the report to be informational and very positive. I do not think any one person was taking credit but presenting a list of accomplishments that positively affected the bottom line. When managers free up their people to offer suggestions they usually end up being pretty good improvements. Much easier to implement and sustain than when pushed top down.
Congratulations. Would love to see more of this from all POA departments.
Lloyd Sherman
01/22/2021 — 9:06 pm
It is, in the end, the employees who should get credit for the things accomplished. After all, they are the ones who actually did the work. What difference does it make whose idea it was? Some people spend way too much time seeking credit for someone else’s ideas or efforts, but in the end result, it can’t be done until it is implemented. That being said, the discussion shouldn’t be about who did what, but the question in my mind, is why didn’t we know these activities were going on “behind the scenes?” As a member of the board, I was begging for this kind of information from the GM and all I got was crickets. A lot of negative ground noise could have been avoided by better communication. Had this information made it to the board while I was on the board, it would have made its way to the property owners. Anyone not accepting the skepticism that existed in the Village due to past practices was not paying attention to what the property owners were upset about. And anybody thinking that was going to go away by simply hiring a new GM, were just being naive. As I have stated in other venues, the employees are the glue that holds this place together and I find it sad that they have been led to believe that they are not appreciated and loved by a majority of the community. Nothing could be further from the truth. It has never been about dissatisfaction at the employee level, but concern at the senior management level who provided them with direction, or not.
So while this week’s board meeting was mostly a disaster, I personally would like to thank and congratulate Coreena, and all the staff, for the fine job they did in reporting what was going on “behind the scenes.” Again I have to say, why wasn’t this going on all along? Communication is critical in any business operation and it needs to be current and ongoing. After all, the property owners only know what you reveal to them and they are the ones that provide the revenue stream for employment and ultimately they are the boss. Best we listen to them.
01/22/2021 — 11:29 pm
Can we go ahead and censor Lloyd and dianna? Let’s shut them up because they won’t stop taking. Lloyd the way y’all were snooping around you knew this stuff was happening, you just didn’t want to except it because it would make you look bad when there was nothing going on like you said there was. Honestly the best thing you could do is keep that mouth shut and enjoy retirement. You got exposed on Wednesday and If you keep pushing back you may end up with a law suit on your hands. You failed we all know you fail now except it and stop interfering. Eyes were opened when king called you and Diana out. I would love to tell you who I am but I don’t any retaliation. Do everyone a favor and just stop very simple. Or in the words of Garrison stay the hell out
Lloyd Sherman
01/23/2021 — 7:01 am
Dear Employee,
You are welcome for all the nice things I stated about how the efforts of staff are appreciated. And the answer to your question is NO you can’t censor Lloyd and Diana. In fact, what was allowed to happen this last week in full public view has resulted in what will be “the rest of the story.” And since when is a stated opinion interfering? I am sorry you don’t feel comfortable posting your name for fear of retaliation. No one should be restricted to have to feel that way. In this litigious world, lawsuits are always a possibility, so I would suggest people be careful of what they wish for. And lastly, I would like to remind you I am a property owner and just as vested in this community as any other property owner.
Gene Garner
01/23/2021 — 8:33 am
Cheryl; “Employee” response above is a good example of why I oppose posts without an actual person’s identity. Threats and intimidation shouldn’t be accepted or tolerated under any circumstances.—Gene
01/23/2021 — 10:52 am
We are going to stop the anonymous and fake name posts. This person using intimidation has gone way over the line. – Cheryl
Elmo Wiggins
01/23/2021 — 6:20 am
The employees of the POA have been the unsung heroes throughout the last several years. Can you imagine what it is like living/working in an environment so filled with hate and uncertainty. Will I have a job next week? Who do we ultimately answer to: the GM, the board, committees? Do this, no wait do that! Come on everyone. Here is a chance to give these people (staff) some credit in an scenario where most wouldn’t work. Maybe some of the software was already there. Maybe the board wasn’t aware of all these “behind the scenes” projects. What difference does it make? People need pats on the back!
I say congratulations to Coreena and all of the employees of the POA. You have done well!
01/23/2021 — 6:31 am
Indeed, it is time to silence the critics once and for all. And no more negative news.
I have had it.
If you can’t say something nice then please go away.
We must stand tall and show our pride in the POA and all that it has done to keep our community vibrant and alive.
I love living here and I don’t need anyone to tell me that we have problems. Everyone does.
But we shall prevail by remaining positive.
Thanks POA and Board.
Jobs well done.
steve bylow
01/23/2021 — 1:08 pm
HSVPOA – thanks for providing the information and please keep it up. The good news is the majority of folks appreciate facts. Unfortunately, some folks feel compelled to provide a negative twist. Please don’t make the assumption they speak for the majority.
Sam Taylor
01/24/2021 — 12:11 pm
I’m sorry Steve, but if what is produced is good in my determination then I will say it is good, and I will call things bad or poor if I see them that way too. For those who think they’re Archie Bunker and want to tell those with opinions to “stifle” themselves, you can just turn the sound down or change the channel if y’all don’t want to hear it. That kind of thinking is exactly what has put us in the position we were in in the recent past. I will echo here what Lloyd said in his first post – where was information like this for at least the last 6 months. Distrust is high (and for good reason), and silence does nothing to inspire the community to become more trustful, just the opposite in fact. Earn the trust…