Braided Bread from Altrusa – Just in Time for Spring Celebrations and More!
Diane Bielanski, Communications Committee/Webmaster Altrusa International of Hot Springs Village, AR, Inc.
I’m selling Braided Bread for Altrusa HSV between now and March 23 — just in time for Easter, a family reunion, spring/summer house guests, or to bring as a treat for a hostess! 100% of the proceeds go to the Altrusa Foundation of Hot Springs Village, Inc. — a 501 (c) (3) charity to fund our many community service projects.
As you may recall, this product is delivered frozen and ready to thaw – rise – bake when you need it. To prepare the product, just put it out on the counter with a layer of plastic wrap for about 8 hours. It will thaw and rise on its own. Then, simply bake it for about 30 minutes and drizzle the icing on the coffee cakes or caramel rolls prior to serving. (The Four Cheese & Herb comes with a marinara dipping sauce.)
This product is my “go-to” in my freezer! I keep it on hand when I need to serve or bring a dessert, to serve with pasta (Four Cheese & Herb), or to have on hand for overnight guests’ breakfast. I have found that the product keeps great in the freezer for up to one year. As our club sells it in the spring and fall each year, I replenish my supply regularly.
Here’s the link to my personal site: Braided Bread. Please feel free to share this information with others here and around HSV. I will begin deliveries on April 11.
In community service,
For Inquiries, please email Diane at
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