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Governance Committee Charter is in flagrant violation of HSVPOA’s Governing Documents

The ILLEGAL HSVPOA Governance Committee, which is chaired by the Board Chairperson, is operating in flagrant violation of HSVPOA Bylaws. Everyone on the Governance Committee is seated in violation of our Governing Documents, including our CEO who is also our Corporate Secretary. The Governance Committee must be disbanded immediately. It is imperative that we all attend the next BOD meeting and peacefully tell the Board of Directors that they are knowingly violating our Governing Documents.

The Governance Committee members are:

  1. CEO
  2. Board Chairperson,
  3. Board Vice Chairperson and
  4. One other Board member.
Three emails sent to the Board of Directors

Three emails have been sent to the Board of Directors concerning this serious issue. The Board is in non-compliance and in violation of our Governing Documents, by allowing the ILLEGAL Governance Committee to continue to convene.

Please refer to excerpts below from the emails sent to the Board Directors where I explained the violation and cited Article XII, Section 4, H, of HSVPOA Bylaws:

The Governance Committee is a Standing Committee that is in flagrant violation of HSVPOA’s By-laws. In particular, the Governance Committee violates Article XII, Section 4, H. This bylaw reads: ‘a member who is serving on the Board of Directors, or whose spouse presently serves on the Board of Directors, shall not serve on a Standing Committee, until after completion of service on the Board of Directors‘.”

The spirit and intent of Article XII Section 4, H is to preserve the integrity of HSVPOA’s committees. It prevents board members and/or their spouses to sit on standing committees. This prevents the appearance of impropriety and prevents abuse of authority by board members.

“Section 4, H is intended to prevent the formation of committees like the Governance Committee.”

“If the ILLEGAL Governance Committee met to Revise Article XII Section 4, H in order to legitimize the Governance Committee, this would erode the integrity of the Board of Directors and sow even more distrust towards the board and staff.”

“We know that it is easier for the Board Chairman and the CEO to control the narrative with two board members than it would be with the full Board of Directors in participation. That is the Nature of the Governance Committee.”

“The committee needs to be disbanded and another alternative put in place to handle the responsibilities of the committee. Work sessions would be the perfect venue to replace the Governance Committee.”

ILLEGAL Governance Committee Intends to Change HSV POA Bylaws and Charter

The Board Chair responded back. It is my understanding from this email response, that the Board Chairperson intends to convene an ILLEGAL Governance Committee meeting in order to revise its charter and also to revise Article XII of our Bylaws. This is a flagrant violation of Article XII of the Bylaws and a total disregard of the rule of law governing HSVPOA Corporation. The ILLEGAL Governance Committee has no legal standing to convene for any reason and should be disbanded immediately.

As the Governance Committee charter is in direct violation of the HSVPOA Bylaws, any board member who participates in Governance Committee meetings is in flagrant violation of ARTICLE IX Board Responsibilities, Authority, and Accountability.

ARTICLE IX Board Responsibilities, Authority, and Accountability

Section 1. Board Responsibilities
c) Set and oversee the articles of governance and ensure compliance.

Section 3. Board Accountability
The Board is accountable to the property owners and to one another for enforcing all rights, covenants, restrictions, and agreements applicable to the Properties and the owners thereof, and to Common Properties, as provided for in the Declaration or which now or may hereafter be contained in or authorized by the Articles of Incorporation, the Bylaws, or laws of the state of Arkansas.

Any board member who violates any of the articles of our governance documents could become subject to Article VII Section 6. Removal. Citing Bylaw:

ARTICLE VII Board of Directors  

Section 6. Removal. A Director may be removed from office for cause by majority vote of the Board of Directors. Cause as used in these Bylaws may include, but shall not be limited to:

(c) Violation of any Association governing documents, including the Declaration, Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, policies, rules, or resolutions, as the same may be in effect from time to time, including not reporting a conflict of interest.   

Neither the board chair nor any other board member is above the Association’s governing documents, including the Declaration, Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, policies, rules, or regulations. Furthermore, the Board is accountable to the property owners and to one another for enforcing all the Association governing documents, including the Declaration, Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, policies, rules, or regulations.

I would suggest the revisions to the ILLEGAL Governance Committee Charter and revisions to the Bylaws be made by the entire body of the Board of Directors instead of by the Noncompliant Governance Committee, in order to remain in compliance with our governing documents.

If we need a Governance Committee, the committee should be composed of rank and file property owners, not Board Directors or the CEO. This should become the standard operating procedure for HSVPOA. This is how you build trust with property owners.

You cannot build trust with secret closed-door committee meetings seated with a select few board members and the CEO. This is the way the ILLEGAL Governance Committee has been operating, behind closed doors for two years now. Nothing they have done is legitimate.

This is a sad state of affairs for HSV property owners under the leadership of our Board Chair.

hot springs village poa rules
HSVPOA BOD Should Follow The Rules

Property Owners Call to Action

We cannot allow our Board of Directors to knowingly and flagrantly violate our Governing Documents and the Rule of Law of HSVPOA Corporation. Please attend the next Board meeting and let our Board Directors know we will not tolerate their total disregard for and their violations of our Bylaws.

Authored by Joe Dowden, Hot Springs Village, June 15, 2019

Formatted and Edited by Cheryl Dowden

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