Common Property, Forestry, and Wildlife Committee Chair, Max Billingsley, introduced the guests at the April 4 CPFW Committee Meeting. Guests included General Manager, Kelly Hale; Janet Rowe; Duane Heckelsberg; David Walsh. All committee members were present, including John Boykin. This was Boykin’s first official CPFWC meeting as a committee member. Also attending was Board Vice-chair, Tucker Omohundro, who is the committee liaison.

HSVPOA CPFW Committee Meeting April 4 2022 Todd Noles Updates
Left to Right: Anne Shears, CPFWC Secretary; Todd Noles, Hot Springs Village POA CPFW Manager; and Max Billingsley, CPFWC Chair

McCord Chosen to be Committee Chair Due to Billingsley’s Resignation

Chair Billingsley announced that he would be stepping down as CPFWC Chair due to the fact that he was appointed to the newly-formed Cooper Land Ad Hoc Committee. Billingsley said the new committee will require a large time commitment and he will not be able to fulfill both roles, but he is staying on as a regular member of the CPFWC.

Scott McCord was asked to Chair the committee and was unanimously voted in. Billingsley thanked McCord for stepping up to lead the CPFW Committee.

Ad Hoc Committee for Evaluation of CCI Reserve Property

Billingsley said the ad hoc committee will have two charges.

  1. Identify the properties and rate them as to whether they are important to the Village now or will be at a later time. Also, determine what amenities are or could be impacted if the POA does not purchase the properties.
  2. How to fund prospective purchases. The Board and POA management has made it clear they will not be funding the acquisition of these properties with the funds already coming in.

The ad hoc committee will identify if the property contains trails and water tanks and whether the property is in a flood zone. The Board has requested the ad hoc committee to provide a report in July.

Omohundro said that he did not see the Cedar Creek property having value to the POA except for the Cedar Creek Trail. Omohundro said 25 acres of the Cedar Creek property is in a flood plain, which precludes the property from being used as a building site. CCI owns another property that is also in a flood plain but will only flood if the levy breaks. Omohundro said performing the in-depth investigation on these properties was too much for the Board to take on with all of its other responsibilities.

Billingsley said property in a flood plain has a reduced value because it is unbuildable, but the timber could still be cut.

Omohundro said, “There are nine pieces of [CCI-owned] properties with trails located on them, or some part [of a trail]. He said it may be possible to move some of the trails.

Janet Rowe said she looked at the Carmona Trail the other day and she doesn’t think they will be able to relocate the part of the trail that is located on CCI property.

Billingsley said, “There will be a consideration about whether or not you can buy part of a parcel needed to protect the trail.”

Billingsley said the POA is developing a website where the public will be able to engage the committee and make comments pertaining to the CCI land issue.

Click here to read, “CPFW Manager, Todd Noles Updates the Committee.

Permit Applications

Anne Shears discussed the current permit applications. These are permits for the removal of trees on common property. The Property Owner must notify neighbors within 150′ and an objection from a neighbor will slow down or stop the process. The Property Owner pays the POA a fee for processing the application and also pays a private company to remove the trees.

4 Binefar Trace – Permit Approved

21 Pontferrada – Class 1 Permit does not require committee approval

3 Pulpo – Permit Approved

Whiskey Trees in Hot Springs Village

Shears shared an unusual photograph with the committee. Someone has been defacing nature in the Village by placing whiskey bottles on trees.

Common Property Forestry and Wildlife Committee Meeting April 4 2022 Whiskey Tree

Billingsley gave kudos to the CPFWC Secretary for all she does. “Anne is an extremely valuable member of this committee and has been for a long time.”

Cheryl Dowden, Hot Springs Village Gazette, May 5, 2022

Whiskey Tree Photo Courtesy of Anne Shears

Cover photo courtesy of Joe Dowden


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