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HSVPOA GM Paul Discussed Key Dates & More

At the November 3, 2021 Board Discussion Session, Interim General Manager, John Paul, discussed the upcoming Board Director Election and other items with the Directors.

The proposed dates for the Election Calendar are listed below.

  • December 1, 2021 – Applications are available for the Board Director election.
  • January 7, 2022 – Deadline for submitting Board Director applications to the General Manager’s office by 4:00 p.m.
  • February 25, 2022 – The ballots are mailed to Property Owners in good standing.
  • March 31, 2022 – Deadline for the ballots to be returned.
  • April 1, 2022 – Board Director Election Day.
  • April 20, 2022 – Newly elected Board Members are seated at the conclusion of the Regular Board Meeting.

Hybrid or in-house voting on upcoming Board Director election to be determined

Paul said, “We’ve got to determine if we are going to have a hybrid [Board Director] election or an in-house election on election day. In the past, we have had the hybrid, before.”

Board Director Avila asked, “can you explain what a hybrid is, please?”

Paul explained, “a hybrid would be a mail-in ballot plus electronic [voting].”

How many Property Owner signatures are needed on the application to run for the Board?

Paul said that they have discussed the number of Property Owner signatures needed by a candidate in order to run in the Board Director election. Recently the number was reduced to 10 members in good standing.

Avila said, “the signatures used to be more. We went to 10 last year because of COVID.”

Paul stated, “it used to be 50.” The Board determines the number of signatures required.

Corry said she thought the previous number was 25. “It used to be 50 and then it moved to 25.”

Paul agreed.

Omohundro said the required signature amount should be 10 for another year and then raised post-COVID.

A decision was made to keep the signature requirement at 10.

Are HSVPOA Board Members paid?

A short discussion clarified that Board Members DO NOT receive remuneration for the Board Director positions.

Key dates on 2022 Board meeting calendar

John Paul said the key meeting dates next year are April 20, 2022 – the regular and annual meetings are combined and New Board Members are Sworn in.

Also, the October 19, 2022 Board meeting is where the 2023 budget tentatively will be approved.

The official POA holidays are New Years Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. This calendar will most likely be voted on at the next regular Board meeting on November 17, 2021.

By Cheryl Dowden, November 5, 2021

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