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HSVPOA GM Report 6-16-21

Paul Discusses PPP Forgiveness, Total E Update, Golf and More

John Paul, Hot Springs Village POA Interim General Manager, discussed PPP Forgiveness, the Total E Update, Gate Security, Golf Statistics, POA Couples Invitational Golf Tournament, and Staffing at the June 2021 Board Meeting.

Click here to read the report on the Payroll Protection Program.

Update on Total E Upgrade

“We are in the final phases of our testing for our computer upgrade with Total E.. We hope to have that enhancement done and rolled out by July 15, depending on how it goes. It may be a little longer,” stated Paul. Online payments will be easier. There will be the availability to make pickleball reservations online. There also will be simplified payments for multiple lot owners.”

Gate Security

Gate security is a primary focus. In the next few weeks, the east gate entrance will be enhanced to mirror the west gate entrance with narrowing of the lanes and checking vehicles that enter. Paul said, “we’ve seen a big difference in locking these gates down…I think it is making the Property Owners feel a little bit better about the entrance. In the future, we plan on doing more enhancements.”


KVRE approached the POA about having a job fair at the Coronado Center on Tuesday, June 22, 2021 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, filling staff positions has been an issue. “We’ve seen a little bit of a turnaround. Golf is a little bit better than it was. We were down 16 positions in golf. They’ve added a few more there. They are still short. We are short everywhere, especially sanitation workers.”

Couples Invitational Golf Tournament

HSVPOA hosted the Couples Invitational Golf Tournament last week. Ninety teams from around the country participated. Eighty-five percent of participants were visitors. Paul stated, “This is one of the biggest marketing tools that we’ve employed over the last twenty years.” Attendance was only 60 couples two years ago. There was a waiting list, this year. “This is our target market for people that may want to move to the Village and its one of the greatest things we do as far as promotion for the Village,” explained Paul.


We have 7,000 more guest rounds this year compared to 2020. We are also up $8.00 per round.

Director Tucker asked how this tournament is promoted.

Paul said that since we have it every year, promotion is done by word of mouth. Also, the Marketing Department promoted the event through digital advertising on Facebook.

Director Corry asked if we anticipate doing more tournaments in the future.

The General Manager said, “you can certainly look at that. You don’t want to oversaturate it. We’re primarily member play and we have to be careful in not taking away too many tee times from members. There is a balancing act there. We are getting busier.”

Balboa Club

Although not discussed at the Board Meeting, the Balboa Club renovation was included in the GM’s report.

The report says, “we are currently doing some minor renovations to the Balboa Club. The Golf Department and the Discovery Center operation will be moving to this facility. This will free up much-needed space at the POA building. Staff is cleaning up and landscaping the front of the building. As funds permit, we have plans to restore the outside of the building.”

By Cheryl Dowden, June 16, 2021


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