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Chris Jones – 2021 HSVPOA Board Candidate

Chris Jones 

Growing up near Dallas provided me with many unique opportunities – not the least of which  was the short, 5-hour drive to HSV. Over the years, and after my family retired onto HSV’s  Lake Balboa, I continued to build that connection. Even after graduating Magna Cum Laude  from Univ of Texas at Dallas in 2011, HSV remained my go-to haven.  

In 2020, I made Arkansas my full-time residence – by relocating into my own Hot Springs  Village home. 

My degree is in Global Business, and I currently enjoy a position as Product Manager for  Ceridian, a Human Capital Management company. I provide products to clients ranging in size  from start-up companies to billion-dollar corporations. 10 years of advising organizations both  large and small has given me hands-on experience in business planning, profit/loss ratios,  marketing and sales, Human Resources, and Payroll Management.  

My successful career has mainly revolved around the creation and promotion of full data analysis  products. This extensive data analytics background is used to provide quality predictive and  prescriptive decision making to business leaders around the globe. HSV has a history of  questionable decision making, and I am prepared to apply my expertise to the task of helping the  board make quality decisions based on quantifiable data. This will propel our gated community  to be the best it can be. 

I also bring a new perspective to the HSV Board. Like all communities, HSV continues to  evolve. That includes the families who call HSV home. I represent an age group that is the  future of Hot Springs Village. I understand what younger families currently living within our  gates want and need – and I know what similar populations near and far are seeking. With my  background in marketing and sales, I know how to reach both of those groups – to put HSV on  their map.  

HSV’s backbone has long-been golf, but we also need to capitalize on our other attributes — such  as trails, beaches, lakes, and alternative recreation. All of these are made sweeter with personal  security, affordability, and our natural setting. In our current climate, these amenities and  qualities are in high demand, particularly by those living in major metropolitan areas. I am  prepared to help energize our marketing efforts to reach those groups – who are ultimately the  key to meeting our growing financial needs.  

Hot Springs Village is not just my home; it is also a product that I want to help flourish. I am  ready to leverage both my professional and personal backgrounds to achieve quality outcomes  that will guarantee our future. 50 years has given HSV an enviable position in the world of  private communities. We need to position ourselves to ensure that there is another 50 to come.  

I am ready to do my part in ensuring a successful future for our Village. My name is Chris Jones,  and I would be honored to serve you on the POA Board of Directors.

Chris Jones Hot Springs Village photo
Chris Jones, Hot Springs Village 2021 Board Director Candidate

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If you have any questions, Chris can be reached by email at chris4hsv@gmail.com.

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January 15, 2021

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