HSV Community News, Events, Opinions, People, and Places

HSV – What a Party!

Wow! What a great time we had at the party last Saturday! Hot Springs Village People sponsored a Board Candidate Meet and Greet on February 22, 2020. I have heard attendee estimates ranging from 400 to 600. Whatever the total number was, the room was filled to compacity, with many Villagers coming and going. I would like to thank all the guests for graciously spending part of their afternoon with us and the five Board of Director candidates. The five candidates are Nikki Choyce, Kirk Denger, Dick Garrison, Tucker Omohundro, and Lloyd Sherman. (In alphabetical order)

MC Tom Blakeman

Our MC, Tom Blakeman, skillfully guided the event and kept it on track and organized. A special thank you to Tom, for all he has done for the community. Believe me, Tom’s contribution has been massive.

“It truly takes a Village”

Many Villagers assisted with ideas, planning, organization, decorations, greeting the guests and staffing the buffet line and many donations. I am not going to name any names here, because I am truly afraid I may accidentally omit someone. I would like to give every one of you a big cyber hug and say thank you for making this event happen. As the saying goes, “It truly takes a Village.”

The candidates spoke

The candidates each had a time slot near the beginning of the event where they talked about their candidacy and vision for HSV. While the band took their breaks, the candidates manned the microphone and fielded questions from the audience. I am very appreciative of all five candidates’ willingness to run and to be seated on the BOD. This commitment is not an easy one.



Many danced to the beat of ShugaBeatz

Quite a number of guests “cut a rug” on the dance floor to the delightful musical talents of ShugaBeatz, also known as Bill and Laura Sorrells. ShugaBeatz, a talented husband and wife team, relocated to Hot Springs Village from Texas. The Sorrells are very musically gifted, both coming from accomplished singing families.

Laura’s musical and vocal background began with her involvement in her church in Texas. She also plays keyboard and some guitar. 

Bill started drumming at the early age of 13.  He has played professionally in bands in California, Arizona, and Texas, and also sang in those bands and at his Church. Much thanks to Bill and Laura. I highly recommend them if you are in the market to hire a professional band. (Please click the red link to view Bill and Laura Sorrells Facebook page.)

The Saint at Isabella and Melinda’s Cafe and Coffee

The Saint at Isabella and Melinda’s Cafe and Coffee did a wonderful job of catering for the event. Everyone enjoyed a variety of sliders, muffins, tortilla chips/salsa, veggies/dips, and many other snacks. Everything was well-prepared and scrumptious. I really recommend Daniel and Alanna Owen, the proprietors of both The Saint at Isabella and Melinda’s Cafe and Coffee for all your catering needs. Alternatively, you may want to drop in either one of their dining establishments for a refreshing drink and a tasty meal. (Please click the red links at the beginning of this paragraph to visit their websites.)



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By Cheryl Dowden, February 24, 2020

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Click here to listen to Tom Jones sing “What a Party.”

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