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HSV Board Candidates Want Change

Candidates want to change ‘corporate’ rules, CEO, CMP and secrecy

By former HSVPOA Board Director, Frank Leeming, February 12, 2020

Scrapping “corporate” rules imposed over the last three years, trimming high-paid staff, replacing the CEO and dumping the CMP top the list of goals reviewed by four candidates for three seats on the POA board of directors.

The ratings were compiled from issues you sent me listing which you believe the new board should address first.  Four of the five candidates participated; Nikki Choyce did not.

Each was asked to give 10 points to the issue they considered most important, nine points to the second most important, and so on.

Click here to see how Kirk Denger, Dick Garrison, Tucker Omohondro and Lloyd Sherman rated issues facing the board.

Several conclusions emerged from the list of issues sent by hundreds of property owners:

  • Villages are not happy with the current board or administration.
  • The Comprehensive Master Plan (CMP) doesn’t have many fans.
  • Board and staff secrecy don’t sit well with property owners.
  • There are more critical issues facing the POA and the new board than can be solved in a year or two.
  • The four candidates responding to the survey agree with what property owners say they want: Change.

    For example, Garrison said: “My rankings are based on what is possible.”

    Omohundro said: “I struggle with ranking the items as one more critical than the other.  Some items can be done more quickly than others, although may not be ranked as most important.  They are all critical to the future of the Village and more importantly the Villagers.

“I did not rank the CMP item as I think the CMP needs to be eliminated as a governing document,” Omohundro said.

“Although it may have some recommendations that would be beneficial, we do not need to try and weed through all of it, to find those items as a board.  A new plan that actually works for our Village would have my support.”

Sherman said “elimination of the Governance Committee goes hand-in-hand with repairing Bylaws/Policies” and “staff reorganization needs to take place in conjunction with the senior management change.”

Other points Sherman made:

  • A marketing committee needs to be formed quickly so it can input and provide guidance for the 2021 budget.
  • The CMP advisory committee needs to be disbanded.
  • The Finance Committee should begin developing a long-term plan for the Village’s future health before the budgeting process begins.
  • Monthly work sessions would show change immediately to regain property owner confidence.
  • The POA has no business being involved with restaurants.

Denger gave 10 points to an interesting concept he is pushing again in this year’s contest: Tying the amount a property owner pays in assessments to the value of his property as determined by county assessors.

Ballots for this year’s board election will be mailed on Feb. 28.

By Frank Leeming, February 12, 2020

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2020 Board Candidate Survey Results (Frank Leeming)


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